The Great Supper

The Great Supper

Esquema: It is talking to children. Bible story of friends and neighbors who made excuses to not come to a big party that a rich man had prepared. His helpers went out and invited people who aren't nice. Come to Jesus now, as children. Jesus has prepared a home for you in Heaven, with His blood.

Número de guión: 434

Idioma: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Debt / payment for sin); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Belief System (Works versus Faith); Eternal life (Broad & Narrow Ways); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Character of God (Love of God)

Audiencia: Children

Propósito: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

Estado: Approved

Los guiones son pautas básicas para la traducción y grabación a otros idiomas. Deben adaptarse según sea necesario para que sean comprendidas y relevantes para cada cultura e idioma diferentes. Algunos términos y conceptos utilizados pueden necesitar más explicación o incluso ser reemplazados o omitidos por completo.

Guión de texto

If you will sit down, children, I will read you a story.

There was a rich man who threw a big party. And when the meal was all prepared the wealthy man send one of his hired helpers out to invite all of his friends and neighbors to come to this well-prepared meal. But the people did not want to come. One man said, "I just bought a new property and I would rather go see the property than come, so please excuse me." Another man said, "I bought a bunch of oxen and I am busy with that, so please excuse me." Another man said, "I just got married and will not be able to make it, so please excuse me."

The hired helper then went back to the rich man and told him what his friends had told him, and that they would not be able to make it to the party. Then the rich man was very angry with his friends, so he told the hired man to go back out and invite all the poor, the crippled and blind people. So the hired helper brought all these people in, but the table still was not full. So the rich man told the helper to go out and bring in all the bad and ungodly people. He was asked to bring in the ones who were lazy and didn't want to work. Finally the tables were all full.

God has also prepared something for us. He has prepared heaven for us. That has also cost a lot, but Jesus paid it all, not with money, but with His blood.

God has also invited those of us who are living today to come, but so many have become so busy that they don't have time to see if they are on the right road or not. Some people think they can get to heaven by doing good works. This kind of thinking is very prideful. It is wrong to think that we could possibly help pay for the sin debt that is owed. Jesus paid it in full. We just need to come to him and trust in Him alone. Then you can be sure that you are on the right road. Don't wait until you are bigger, but just say: "Jesus I come. I am so glad that you paid it all for me. I trust in you only." If you children do that, you will be very happy and know that you are new people.

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