How to Walk Jesus' Way

How to Walk Jesus' Way

Esquema: Where does Jesus lead His followers? He leads them in a new way. What does Jesus want us to do? Our lives must be pure. We must let the Holy Spirit control us.

Número de guión: 047

Idioma: English

Tema: Character of God (Love of God); Living as a Christian (Obedience, Spiritual Growth, Leaving old way, begin new way); Sin and Satan (Separation from sin)

Audiencia: General; Children; New Christian

Estilo: Dialog

Tipo: Messages and Fiction

Propósito: Teaching

Citación Biblica: None

Estado: Approved

Los guiones son pautas básicas para la traducción y grabación a otros idiomas. Deben adaptarse según sea necesario para que sean comprendidas y relevantes para cada cultura e idioma diferentes. Algunos términos y conceptos utilizados pueden necesitar más explicación o incluso ser reemplazados o omitidos por completo.

Guión de texto

1. When we turn from our sins and believe in Jesus, where does He lead us?

2. He leads us in a new way. He suffered very greatly on the cross, so that we could leave our ways of badness. For this reason, when we follow Jesus, our lives must be pure. We must refuse the evil things of our old ways. We must not do the things that Jesus does not like us to do.

1. What does Jesus want us to do?

2. Because Jesus loves us so much, we should love Him with all our hearts. He wants us to also show love to others. Even if someone treats us badly, let us be kind to him.

1. How can we do this?

2. When we are truly walking in Jesus' way, God's Spirit lives in our hearts. Our bodies are His house. If we let Him control us, He will help us not to be angry or proud or jealous. But instead of these evil things, God's Spirit can fill our hearts with love, kindness, and goodness. God is our Father and His Word teaches us as we walk this good way.

1. Do you not fear the spirits?

2. We do not fear even the evil spirits because God is stronger than all the evil spirits. We must trust God. He likes us to pray to Him often, every day. We may talk to Him as we talk to a friend. We cannot see Him, but He sees and hears us. We may pray when we are working or walking the trails. We may pray any time.

1. Is this good news for everyone?

2. Yes. As we walk this good way, trusting in Jesus, we must show everyone this way. We must teach our family and friends. We must show our children the right way to God. We must learn all we can from God's Book. We must be thankful always for all things, because God is caring for us. We thank Him for our food before we eat. We like to give to those who teach us God's Word. In this manner we can show our thanks to God. We must be ready to help others who have need. We must be honest, never lying, stealing, or dealing falsely. If we have stolen anything, we must return it or pay for it. If we sell anything, we must be careful to measure carefully and honestly.

1. This Jesus way is very good.

2. Yes. And Jesus knows all those who truly walk His way, and He is the One Who helps them to walk it well.

Note: If a dialogue is not possible, omit all speeches of #1 except the first one.

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