Baba Chipo - Sones
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Presentaciones dramatizadas de una historia o parábola.
Número de programa: 65939
Duración del programa: 17:13
Nombre del Idioma: Sones
Descargas y pedidos
Baba Chipo
Notas acerca de la grabación
The film script is based on a drama story in Shona published in book form by Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA) in 1997. Copyright holder: Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA), Harare, Zimbabwe. Producer: MEMA-Media. Distributed by GRN with permission. The narrator walks with the funeral procession of Baba Chipo. He tells the story of Baba Chipo and the choices he had to make. A conflicting situation between Baba Chipo and his wife, Amai Chipo, shows his bombasm, arrogance and recklessness. The pastor comes to visit Baba Chipo who complains that he is wasting his time. The dramatic end of the story leaves the viewer with a very important choice to make. Distributed by GRN with the permission of CAVA.
Descargas y pedidos
Estas grabaciones están diseñadas para el evangelismo y enseñanza bíblica básica para llevar el mensaje del evangelio a las personas que no saben leer y escribir o los comunicadores orales, en particular los grupos de personas no alcanzados.
Copyright © 1997 CAVA Zimbabwe. Copyright Christian Audio Visual Action (CAVA) Zimbabwe. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.
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