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"When God says 'yes', nobody can say 'no' " begins Kish's (GRN Nigeria Director) report from northern Nigeria where he has been sharing the Good News of Jesus. Most of the people in this area are Muslim and speak a local dialect. The first outreach to this region was in December 2015. Discovering the great need in this region, Kish and his team decided to focus on this zone for future visits.
The local Bible Training Institute in this area has 75 students. The Principal of the Bible Training Institute gave Kish and the team four hours over two days to share the Good News recordings in their local dialect using flipcharts and Saber players with the students. The students were engaged and enthusiastic and asked meaningful questions about the Good News message.
Kish and the team were also able to set up a projection of the Hausa Jesus film and some other local evangelistic movies. Showings took place in the grounds of the Bible Institute and many Muslim women and children came to watch. Afterwards the students said they were happy the films were not interrupted. In the past, the District Head had opposed the showings of such movies. However, God was at work, and all three showings ran their course without interruption, even in the district where the District Head resides. After these showings, three women responded and gave their lives to Christ.
The team then travelled to another area in northern Nigeria where they asked the District Head's permission to show the movies. In the past, there had been a temporary church structure there, but the District Head had ordered its destruction. The District Head was fearful of the local Emir who has warned all District Heads to disallow any church planting in their domain or face disciplinary action and removal from office. Though fearful, the District Head allowed the showings. People in this area were afraid to respond to the message due to the intimidation of the Emir and when the team later took pictures of the people, many were afraid and ran away.
Thank God for protecting the team from accidents and armed bandits and for the three women who now follow Jesus. Please pray for the District Heads in northern Nigeria who are trying to hinder the spread of the gospel in these communities. Pray that the materials left behind will be widely used and the Holy Spirit will draw many people to Christ as they listen.
Kish and the team have further outreach planned in northern Nigeria later this year. They also plan on recording several messages in the languages of people where there are very few Christians (<1%).
Please pray for good language helpers for the recordings. Pray for receptive hearts, safety and God's provision on all trips.