Sierra Leona

Información acerca de Sierra Leona

Region: África
Capital: Freetown
Population: 8,791,000
Area (sq km): 71,740
FIPS Country Code: SL
ISO Country Code: SL
GRN Office: Gospel Recordings Sierra Leone

About Sierra Leone

Freetown, the capital, is a port city and the commercial hub. Settled by freed and rescued slaves in 18th century, it was made the seat of government for the British territories in West Africa in 1821 and became the capital in 1961.

People groups: West Atlantic (45.3%), Mande (43.8%), Kwa (1.3%), Krio (8.6%), Other (1%).

Religions: Muslim (70%), Traditional ethnic (18%), Christian (11%), Hindu (0.04%).

Sierra Leone was founded as a home for freed slaves in 1797. It was the first West African country to be evangelised. The first Protestant Church was started among freed slaves in Freetown, yet after over 200 years of effort, under 12% of the country claims to be Christian. (From 'Operation World')

Map of Sierra Leona

Map of Sierra Leona

Idiomas y dialectos hablados en Sierra Leona

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Encontrado 28 nombes de idiomas

English: Africa [Sierra Leone] [eng]

Fuuta Jalon: Kebu Fula [Sierra Leone] [fuf]

Gola [Liberia] - ISO Language [gol]

Gola: Deng [Liberia] [gol]

Gola: Senje [Liberia] [gol]

Kissi: Sierra Leone [Eastern] [kqs]

Klao [Western Area] - ISO Language [klu]

Kono [Sierra Leone] [Eastern] - ISO Language [kno]

Koranko [Northern] - ISO Language [knk]

Krim [Southern] [bmf]

Krio [Sierra Leone] - ISO Language [kri]

Kroo [Liberia] [klu]

Kuranko: Sengbeh [Northern] [knk]

Landorgoh Loko [Northern] [lok]

Limba, West-Central [Northern] - ISO Language [lia]

Limba: Western [Northern] [lia]

Loko [Northern] - ISO Language [lok]

Mandingo: Kabala [Sierra Leone] [emk]

Mende [Sierra Leone] - ISO Language [men]

Mende: Ko [Eastern] [men]

Mende: Kpa [Eastern] [men]

Pular [Guinea] - ISO Language [fuf]

Sherbro [Southern] - ISO Language [bun]

Sherbro: Shenge [Southern] [bun]

Sousou: Sierra Leone [Northern] [sus]

Timne [Sierra Leone] - ISO Language [tem]

Yoruba [Benin] - ISO Language [yor]

Yoruba [Benin] - ISO Language [yor]

Grupos de Personas Sierra Leona

Arab, Lebanese ▪ Bassa ▪ Bom, Bum ▪ British ▪ Bullom ▪ Deaf ▪ French ▪ Fula Jalon ▪ Fulani, Krio ▪ Gola ▪ Greek ▪ Kissi ▪ Kissi, Southern ▪ Kono, Konnoh ▪ Krim ▪ Krio ▪ Kru ▪ Kuranko ▪ Limba, East ▪ Limba, West ▪ Loko ▪ Maninka, Eastern ▪ Mende ▪ Sherbro ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Susu ▪ Temne ▪ Temne-Banta ▪ Vai ▪ Yalunka ▪ Yoruba

Noticias acerca de Sierra Leona

Gospel Recordings Sierra Leone - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Sierra Leone.

Andrew Kanu (GRN Sierra Leone) - Andrew Kanu - GRN Sierra Leone talks about the passion one man has for his people who are yet to accept Jesus