Short-term mission is very popular these days. So is the debate about its usefulness! And indeed there are strengths and weaknesses in the contemporary focus on short-term mission.
Jesus sent his disciples on short-term mission. (Mark Chapter 6 and elsewhere.) Why did he do that? Was it so that the disciples could say, "We have done our bit for God and can now do what we want!" Far from it! For Jesus' disciples short-term mission was part of their training - part of their preparation for a lifetime of ministry.
GRN also provides short-term mission opportunities. These too are designed to help you prepare for a lifetime of ministry - regardless of where that ministry takes place. Our website lists coming opportunities: globalrecordings.net/shortterm
One of the exciting aspects of our short-term missions is that you will be effective immediately as you bring with you the good news of Jesus in the heart language of those you are visiting. Often many hear the good news of Jesus for the first time through our short-term missions, and you will have the privilage of giving it to them in the language they best understand.
Are you interested? Give us a call! Options change from time to time and we would love to talk to you about it.
Please contact me at the Sydney office on 02 9899 2211 or email me.
Christine Platt
Mission Statement: In partnership with the Church, to effectively communicate the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ by means of culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials in every language.