unfoldingWord 38 - Hetinyaŋai no Yesu

unfoldingWord 38 - Hetinyaŋai no Yesu

Outline: Matthew 26:14-56; Mark 14:10-50; Luke 22:1-53; John 18:1-11

Script Number: 1238

Language: Lopit

Audience: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Bible Quotation: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Ŋasi daŋ, odule Judei hitihabuo hiyom no laŋan. Ara ifa huwom no letilwahu Hollum hohonyok hosie to hipito to Masir many to ŋasi innofa beren. Nafa era ŋasi wunik ne letiyanari Yesu ojo etimojo huwo, elimak Yesu efahat honyi hijo awak iye hitihabuo huwo no laŋan hose to Jerusalem, ojo teria otohori inyeja.

Ara ifa fure nolobo le efahati lo Yesu Judas. Judas ifa ara hatoŋoni hohobon arobiyaha inno efahat, hati awak inyeja binno arobiyaha many ohoholuta arobiyaha to hobon da halu ho hiba ho Yesu ho efahat honyie to Yerusalem, eno Judas to luha illo Judei. Ette hetinyaŋai Yesu ta arobiyaha, eyyen iye hijo orrisa eitaha illo Judei Yesu ahetilahani ojo hidofe osiaha hatohori inyeja.

Ato he illo Judei illo lotoŋita hetimojok odumak arobiyaha tomwana hunik henyamuni Yesu. Abak inyeja iya nafa ekiluni hekilak. Eruk Judas ette amoju arobiaha ette eno etufa inyeja hihe no olwahari inyeja inyeja isieja henefuni Yesu.

To Yerusalem, etihabuwo Yesu hiyom no laŋan ho lefahat honye. To daha no ŋiria loŋan, adumu Yesu imune ette hiben. Ojo inyeja, ”Hibe ittinya inna kwan nanaŋ inna, ma esio tahatai igiama inna anyar egilutari itai naŋ.” To hikoi tena ojo Yesu ara Kwan honye iso ahibuluci hose.

Tia Yesu odumu himatit ette hijo, “Tamat inna hoto nanaŋ inyeja himora ejuhok ade dahamehini hiyata hibe igiama inna anyar egigillori naŋ, hibeti itimat."

Nia ette Yesu hijo de efahat, "Etinyaŋak iso lobo lahatai naŋ. Adulari ifa lefahat ette hifia ŋai egiem hirro inia, ejo Yesu, "Tihoni leiso naŋ imune inna inyeja ara hetinyaŋani." Ette inyeja hisio to Judas."

Ifa adumu Judas imune, ette sitan ŋajiŋak to honye. Ette Judas ebusari ohu hiluak edaha illo Judei ofuo ŋefitak Yesu. Era ifa harie.

Ta halu ho ŋiria, ette Yesu ŋalotohini ho hejufak illohonyie many atoŋe no Olifeto. Eijo Yesu, “Efwo iso itai daŋ ebusari naŋ harie. Egioro hijo, 'Abak iso naŋ heyohoni ette kioro ŋaturori.'”

Ette Peturui hijo, “Le ebusak ilak iye, abe naŋ aremik!” Niya ette Yesu hijo to Peturu, “Awak sitan itai bi daŋ, hati amojok naŋ tetai. Peturu, hoto biaŋa hiruk nohoi olita. Nya errisa iso iye naŋ harie hinyejata hunik holobe hohoron eillok hijo ibe iye leyen naŋ.”

Ette Peturu hijo to Yesu hijo, "Anyar loyien huwo daŋ, abeŋ naŋ aremik risai iye!” Eijo hejufak illafa tamai daŋ no botie.

Hati awoŋ Yesu ho hejufutak illohonyie omojori to mai no elilloŋo isieja Getesemane. Elimak Yesu hejufutak illohonyie hoto moje anyar obe isieja ojiŋak to hitigiemita. Ette Yesu eno to Kwan nohonyie lomojori.

Ette Yesu mojo hinyahita hunik "Monye hanaŋ, leremik hoto biaŋa naŋ amat to imatit no hetigiama. Hati lobe nobe no eremik iye hahoni hiyata innohosie huwo, isiejara hatara iya iwak iye.” Etaban ifa Yesu binno ojo hidofe many onyeru to wan nohonyi iya hoto no odou tara honyie. Ette Hollum efahu anjilo ho hetigolo inyeja.

Tahalu homojo, ette Yesu achohini to hejufutak illohonyie, hati ojotori ifa isieja. Nafa ara itahunihi no iyohoi nohonyie, ojo Yesu, "Tette ahide! Hetinyaŋani lalaŋ ille teni.”

Ette Judas awoŋ ho eittaha ojo oseŋer illo Judei, ojo iluluŋ no obolo. Eniefita ifa isieja feria ho demio. Ette Judas awoŋ to Yesu ette hijo to honyie "Ogolo hetiyanani,” ette hijur hutuk nohonyie. Ara ifa hetuhutek to lo oseŋer ho Judei hijo ŋai lia ifa eniefu. Ette Yesu hijo, "Judas, etinyaŋak iye Lonyi tihoni to hijujura?"

Tanafa efitahini loseŋer Yesu, ette Peturu epihu demi nohonyie ette hiŋut hiyok nolobo heigiamani lo eittok. Ette Yesu hijo, "Ihumak demi ade! eremik naŋ ŋelimak Monye te hilak loseŋer illo lara Anjilohien heriria naŋ. Hati anyar abaŋ naŋ Monye hanaŋ." Niya ette Yesu hitilib hiyok no tihoni lie. nafa efitari isieja Yesu, ette hejufak illohonyie daŋ tamai hirrwata ade.

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