unfoldingWord 08 - Apã Wachu kuwẽ gatu Josepe, dja pawe wywype emi

unfoldingWord 08 - Apã Wachu kuwẽ gatu Josepe, dja pawe wywype emi

Outline: Genesis 37-50

Script Number: 1208

Language: Ache

Audience: General

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Tãrã ruy wachabu, Jakob chuepurãmbu, buema mondo dja tay Josepe. Gogipe rõ idja by gatueche. Buema wechãwã dja pawe wywy, go rõ warõ reko wachupurãndji.

Jose pawe wywy rõ byllãeche Josedji, dja apã by gatuechedjiwa idjape, emi Jose ikẽ pou rupi wechã buare idja ymachidjawerã dja pawe wywydji. Jose dja pawe endape wẽmbu, gogi wywy idjape pychyma, emi mema bue pepyatygipe, rekopytygi nonga ekõwã.

Jose pawe wywy djewy nondje dja chupape, wiroma Jose tyruwe llabuwagi, emi mĩma bechepe pirãpe. Gobu rama dja apãpe wechãwã, gobu dja apã inawã, we djarõ Josepe porõma. Gobu Jakob uryllãechema, chinga tãrãma.

Go bue pepyatygi wywy rama Josepe Egiptope. Egipto rõ etakrã ekõandy neina wachu, chidjaechegi, go rõ ypurã Nilo embedjiwa. Bue pepyatygi Josepe pepyma butadji etakrã kbe’e ymachidja buta tãrãngipe, rekopytygi ekõwã. Jose bita gatu ekõ dja rekoatygi chupape, gobu Apã Wachu kuwẽ gatu reko Josedji.

Dja rekoatygi breko pukama Josepe idja djãwẽ djenowã. Jose rõ djapo djuellã bue buchã Apã Wachu chã ruwa. Go kudjã prandjã buchã Josedji, idjape kaina emi mĩ buchãma, idjape pychywã emi pypywã tapy djãwãllãpe. Tapy djãwãllãpe ĩmbu djepe, Apã Wachu kuere wedjallã. Gobu Apã Wachu idjape kuwẽ gatu reko.

Mirõ ruy wachabu, Jose ĩ wyche tapy djãwãllãpe, bue buchã djapollãmbu djepe. Etakrã chãwãmbu faraon, go Egipto pua wywy pukaty nonga ymachidjawachugi, go ikẽ poubu mirõ bue wechãma. Gobu okryrallã buchã roma ĩ. Ĩllã go bue kua gatugi wywy bychepe kiuwã ikẽ poudjiwa, bue idja wechãwe kua gatugi.

Apã Wachu Josepe mẽwe, kiu gatuwã, bue rõ inambyty ikẽ poudjiwa. Go buare faraon pukama Josepe tapy djãwãllã puare. Gobu Jose djawuma idjape, bue rõ bue ikẽ poudjiwa inambyty. Gobu inama: „Apã Wachu buewerã djypetã ruybu bue ã’ã pechepyregi wẽ gatuwã. Gobu Apã Wachu buewerã emi djypetã ruybu, bue uwã ĩllã bechewerã.“

Gobu faraon chã opoma Josedji. Go buare idjape mĩma, ekõandy Egiptope ymachidja mirõngi.

Jose inama Egipto pua wywype bue ã’ã tãrã noãwã, mĩmbawã emi tapy wachupe djypetã ruybu tãrã bue uwã ĩmbuare. Gobu Jose bue uwã mema Egipto puagipe djypetã ruy llellã wachubu. Go nonga bue upyrã go pua wywy rekopama.

Bue uwã ĩllãmbu ekõandy Egiptope, ĩllã emi Kanaanpe, Jakob emi dja tapy puagi wywy ekõandype.

Go buare Jakob buema mondo dja tay kieypurãngi wywype Egiptope, bue uwã pepywã butadji. Gogi wywy Jose chã ruwa ekõmbu bue uwã pepywã butadji, kuallã idjape. Jose rõ kua gatu dja pawe wywype.

Go buãma dja pawe wywype, kua djue, ekõ buchã wyche ko. Gobu rõ Jose gogi wywype inama: „Cho rõ pendje pawe Jose! Krymballãeme, pendje chope reko buchã buare, mewe rekopytygi nonga. Apã Wachu rõ bue buchãndji djapoma bue gatu. Pendje wẽ ga bu, Egiptope ekõwã, cho rõ kuwẽwã pendjepe emi pendje tapy puagi wywype.

Gobu Jose pawe obu dja chupape, kiuma dja apã Jakobpe, Jose manollã wyche, gobu gogi ury gatu roma.

Jakob chuepurãmbu djepe, oma Egiptope dja tapy puagi wywydji, gope ekõwã. Idja mano nondje, Jakob mema dja kuwẽ gatu dja tay wywype.

Djawu mewe emi Apã Wachu djawu membyre Abrahampe emi membyre Isaakpe, gobu Jakobpe, gobu membyre go etakrã mirõ Jakob tay wywype, dja tapy puagi wywype emi. Go etakrã mirõ tay tapy puagi wywydji wẽma go etakrã mirõ Israel irõndy.

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