unfoldingWord 32 - Jesu kuwẽma etakrã kbe’e krei buchã rekogipe, emi etakrã kudjã achygipe

unfoldingWord 32 - Jesu kuwẽma etakrã kbe’e krei buchã rekogipe, emi etakrã kudjã achygipe

Outline: Matthew 8:28-34; 9:20-22; Mark 5; Luke 8:26-48

Script Number: 1232

Language: Ache

Audience: General

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Etakrã kreybu Jesu emi dja kuere mudjãndygi wywy wachama o wyrakarape ypa wachu rupi go gadara pua ekõandy rekuaty.

Ypa ruwa wẽmbu, etakrã kbe’e krei buchã rekogi myrõma bu Jesu rekuaty.

Go kbe’e rõ chidja buchã, go buare ĩllã duwe ache idjape pychywã. Duwegi wywy muchãmbabu djepe dja ipodji emi dja pychãndji tykõ wachupe, go rõ mondopa roma mondo tykõ wywy.

Go kbe’e rõ ekõandy kuarewe wywy rupi, idja rõ puka chidjaty kreybu emi chãwãmbu. Idja rõ tyru pypyllãndy, emi tãrãma dja eche bowo ita ĩmbipe.

Go kbe’e ekõmbu Jesu endape, kmarã idja chã ruwa. Jesu inama krei buchãpe: „Wẽ kua go kbe’edjiware!“

Go kbe’e krei buchã rekogi puka chidjama: „Bue rõ dje reko chodji Jesu, Apã Wachu ywadjiwaty Tay? Cho puka djepe, chope reko buchãeme!“ Gobu Jesu inama krei buchãpe: „Mawe nonga dje bykuapyre?“ Go djawu pepyma: „Cho bykuapyre rõ Legion, ore rõ tãrã buchãndjiwa.“ (Etakrã „legion“ rõ tãrã buchã tõallãngi Roma pua noãndy wachu, go rõ wachapa wachu 6.000 kbe’e.)

Go krei buchã wywy puka omatã Jesupe: „Orepe djapieme kowe ekõandy puare!“ Gope ĩwe chachupurã tãrã bue u rekogi kuã wachu djãwẽ. Go buare krei buchã wywy pukama Jesupe: „Ore puka omatã, kbegatu, dje orepe buebu ikẽwã chachupurã djãwãpe!“ Gobu Jesu ina: „Amaty kua chachupurã djãwãpe!“

Gobu go krei buchã wywy wẽma djo go kbe’e puare, emi ikẽmbama chachupurã djãwãpe. Go chachupurã wywy myrõmba roma djo ypa rekuaty, gobu wapama o ype, go nonga manombama. Go chachupurã wywy ĩwe mirõ wachu (2.000) nonga we’e.

Go chachupurã warõandygi wywy wechãmbu, bue rõ ekõ gope, myrõma o tapy tãrãpe, Jesu djapowe kiuwã duwegi wywype. Go tapy tãrã pua wywy ekõma wechãwã go kbe’e krei buchã rekowegipe. Okryrape wapy ni, tyru pypyma, emi bue djapoma tõ gatupe.

Ache wywy krymballã buchã, emi puka omatã Jesupe, owã duwe rekuaty. Go buare Jesu djopima wyrakara djãwãpe, duwe rekuaty owã. Gobu go kbe’e krei buchã rekowegi pukama Jesupe erupi owã.

Jesu rõ inama idjape: „Go nongallã! Cho ina djepe, owã dje tapype, emi kiupa ga mondo dje bygatutygi emi dje tapy pua wywype, bue wywy Apã Wachu djapowe djedji, emi mawe nonga Go chingadjeky reko djedji.”

Go buare go kbe’e oma, duwegi wywype kiuwã bue wywy Jesu idjape djapowe. Ache wywy dja kiuwe wendubu, chã opo roma.

Jesu oma emi duwe ypa ruwa. Gope wẽmbu, tãrã buchã ache noã wachuma idja djãwẽ, emi eche djuwy reko idjape. Go pua wywy bychepe ĩma etakrã kudjã djuei buchãpe endawe. Etakrã mirõ ruybu dja pirã kandjãllãndy. Gogi membama dja buta achy kuwẽandygi wywype, gogi idjape kuwẽwã. Go nongabu djepe achy buchãeche roma djo.

Go wenduwe, Jesu tãrã kuwẽare eche achygipe, gobu idja djã djawuma: “Cho kuagatuma, cho pokobu Jesu tyrudji, cho eche gatuwerã emi!” Go buare go ekõma Jesu pyche rekuaty, dja tyrudji pokowã. Jesu tyru pokobu, idja pirã wachu kandjã roma djo!

Gobu Jesu kuama dja chidja wẽma o idjadji. Go buare maĩma idja pychety emi inama: “Awa rõ chodji pokoare?” Gobu dja kuere mudjãndygi wywy djawu pepyma: “Ache tãrã ĩma dje ruwa, emi djepe biri reko. Bue buare dje kua djue, awa rõ djepe pokoare?”

Go kudjã ryry buchã emi kmarãma Jesu chã ruwa krymballãpe. Gobu kiupama idjape idja djapowe, emi manonga idja eche gatuma. Gobu Jesu inama: “Dje djã djono buare Apã Wachu ipope, dje eche achy kuwẽmbyre. Amaty kua okryra gatupe.”

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