
Outline: Discussion of a case tried before the chief and elders of the tribe. Man found guilty; but a respected friend pays the heavy fine for him. Application shows this illustrates Christ's atonement for sin.
Script Number: 076
Language: English
Theme: Sin and Satan (Judgement, Sin, disobedience, Debt / payment for sin); Christ (Redemption, Mediator); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Bible timeline (Law of God)
Audience: Animist
Purpose: Evangelism
Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Minimal Scripture
Status: Approved
Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.
Script Text

(Start with voices in discussion).
1. Greetings!
2. (Greetings returned)
1. Did you hear all the discussion?
2. Yes, I have been listening to it all day.
1. Tell me about it.
2. The chief is very just, and also the elders. The man is certainly guilty, and his offense is indeed serious.
1. Is it true? What is the penalty?
2. The penalty is very heavy indeed. And the man is not able to pay it. However, it is certainly just and right.
1. Very sad. I guess this man will have to be under the burden of this debt for many, many years - the rest of his life perhaps!
2. Yes. That would be the case, I'm sure. This man also seemed very sad because he confessed that he did wrong, and also that the judgement was fair. But he did not know how he could pay it. Then suddenly the elder stood up and spoke. His words were beautiful. He told the chief that his heart was heavy to hear about the wrongs his friend had done. He also told the chief that the case was judged correctly, and that the sin would have to be paid for, regardless of whether the guilty one was rich or poor. Then the man said this: "But because this guilty one is my friend, and I love him, I wish to pay the price of his judgement. He cannot pay, but I can."
1. Ayy!! Is it true?
2. Yes, it is true. And the guilty man was astounded, and he felt very humble to think that his friend would be so good! But he agreed, and the chief ended the business.
1. Do you know, friend, this is a picture of each one of us? God's Word teaches us that each of us stands before God, the Great Chief. And He sees our hearts. He knows that we are sinners and guilty. His just penalty is everlasting punishment. What can we do? How can we escape God's penalty? We could never pay the price. God knew this, and therefore He sent His own Son to bear our judgement for us. To do this, He died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin. And now if the guilty sinner agrees to accept this payment for his sins, he is freed from judgement, that terrible punishment in the place of fire after death. But, my friend, "How can we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" There is no escape. Will you now agree to trust fully in Jesus and receive Him as your Saviour from God's judgement?