أغاني: نحن ننظر في الثقة [We Look Up in Trust] - Arabic, Sa'idi

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Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns.

Program Number: 65837
Program Length: 44:00
Language name: Arabic, Sa'idi

Downloads and Ordering

أنت الرب وحده [You Are the Lord Alone]


1. أنت الرب وحده [You Are the Lord Alone]

الصليب والفداء [Cross and Redemption]


2. الصليب والفداء [Cross and Redemption]

تتذكر من أنا [You Remember Who I Am]


3. تتذكر من أنا [You Remember Who I Am]

أنا أعيش تحت ظلك [I Live under Your Shadow]


4. أنا أعيش تحت ظلك [I Live under Your Shadow]

!هللويا [Hallelujah!]


5. !هللويا [Hallelujah!]

أعطيت قلبي الشفاء [You Gave My Heart Healing]


6. أعطيت قلبي الشفاء [You Gave My Heart Healing]

لم أكن أسير في النور [I Was Not Walking in the Light]


7. لم أكن أسير في النور [I Was Not Walking in the Light]

حرّرني يسوع [Jesus Freed Me]


8. حرّرني يسوع [Jesus Freed Me]

العظيم الله، خلقت [Great God, You Created]


9. العظيم الله، خلقت [Great God, You Created]

سماع صلاتي [Hear My Prayer]


10. سماع صلاتي [Hear My Prayer]

إنه ليس لغزًا، حبيبي [It's Not a Puzzle, Beloved]


11. إنه ليس لغزًا، حبيبي [It's Not a Puzzle, Beloved]

Downloads and Ordering

These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.

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