Pahdjaj Kómatééhj Vol 1 [Songs Volume 1] - Gaviao do Rondonia

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Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns.

Program Number: 62934
Program Length: 1:16:02
Language name: Gaviao do Rondonia

Downloads and Ordering

Pagarabi ki pada mene kia


1. Pagarabi ki pada mene kia

Ana te pa'igij sa ahdja'i


2. Ana te pa'igij sa ahdja'i

Zano ehja, obahreja


3. Zano ehja, obahreja

Zano ehja, lgreja kabi mejvoloa!


4. Zano ehja, lgreja kabi mejvoloa!

Ana man na te Deus ehr?


5. Ana man na te Deus ehr?

Jezoj maga avolo


6. Jezoj maga avolo

Ate enepiahv maga nalia


7. Ate enepiahv maga nalia

Jezoj, todjar tokah ehjta


8. Jezoj, todjar tokah ehjta

Pabere na de Deus ehr-end


9. Pabere na de Deus ehr-end

Mepixate meja!


10. Mepixate meja!

Ana te paza Jezoj ma a mate pahgoa kaa?


11. Ana te paza Jezoj ma a mate pahgoa kaa?

Abea pamagaa


12. Abea pamagaa

Jezoj kala bo pahra dja abojehja


13. Jezoj kala bo pahra dja abojehja

Dia 25 de dezembro de Natal ka


14. Dia 25 de dezembro de Natal ka

Evolov pih ebarehj maga adja


15. Evolov pih ebarehj maga adja

Ohkini ezahr tea


16. Ohkini ezahr tea

Pokahj tih jav ve ka pazahr pada


17. Pokahj tih jav ve ka pazahr pada

Zano ehj abojehja


18. Zano ehj abojehja

Me' igij na omalo


19. Me' igij na omalo

Jezoz ma lgreja' ehj pamah zano ehja


20. Jezoz ma lgreja' ehj pamah zano ehja

Pere parahr Gord maaa


21. Pere parahr Gord maaa

Tehrna bo pahr


22. Tehrna bo pahr

Pahdjaj pasere ta Jezoj pasere taa


23. Pahdjaj pasere ta Jezoj pasere taa

Ao Jezoj mah apih akajehj kaja


24. Ao Jezoj mah apih akajehj kaja

Buv na man pi ter Jezoj maha


25. Buv na man pi ter Jezoj maha

Ate ni zaka ale noa


26. Ate ni zaka ale noa

Bo Jezoj malo a ala pagaj zano ehja obahrehja


27. Bo Jezoj malo a ala pagaj zano ehja obahrehja

Bo te Krijto ehr kinaha aviv pi kinah


28. Bo te Krijto ehr kinaha aviv pi kinah

Ao Jezoj maga 'mejvolo' ohv ogoj aled pagaja


29. Ao Jezoj maga 'mejvolo' ohv ogoj aled pagaja

Downloads and Ordering

These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.

Copyright © 2007 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

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