New programs in the last 12 months or significant updates in the last 6 months
New and Updated Programs
Showing items 1 to 30 of 224
Afrikaans - Ek Sal Dit Waag / I Will Risk It
Testimonies of believers for evangelism of unbelievers and motivation for Christians. Released February.
Tepehuán del Suroeste: Santiago Teneraca - Resurrección de un Muerto / Resurrection of a Dead Person
Testimonies of believers for evangelism of unbelievers and motivation for Christians. Released February.
Moken - 2 Corinthians
Some or all of the 47th book of the Bible Released February.
Guianese French Creole - Words of Life
Short audio Bible stories and evangelistic messages that explain salvation and give basic Christian teaching. Each program is a customised and culturally relevant selection of scripts, and may include songs and music. Updated February.
Naxi: Lijiang: Longko - Good News
Audio-visual Bible lessons in 40 sections with pictures. Contains Bible overview from creation to Christ, and teaching on the Christian life. For evangelism and church planting. Updated February.
Gobabis Ju/'hoansi - San Partnership Oral Scriptures Set
Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated February.
- Totonac, Coyutla - Hymns - Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns. Updated January.
- Igedde - Ajuhi ka / Fear Not - Short audio Bible stories and evangelistic messages that explain salvation and give basic Christian teaching. Each program is a customised and culturally relevant selection of scripts, and may include songs and music. Released December.
- Igedde - Oja-onyila / Good News - Audio-visual Bible lessons in 40 sections with pictures. Contains Bible overview from creation to Christ, and teaching on the Christian life. For evangelism and church planting. Released December.
- Ukrainian - Мудрі прислів'я царя Соломона / Wise Proverbs of King Solomon - Some or all of the 20th book of the Bible Released December.
- Ukrainian - Мудрі слова царя Давида / Wise Words of King David - Some or all of the 19th book of the Bible Released December.
- Totonac, Coyutla - Look, Listen & Live 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour - Book 7 of an audio-visual series with Bible stories of Jesus from Luke and John. For evangelism, church planting and systematic Christian teaching. Updated January.
- Paresi - Noxera Nenorexiana / Songs / I will praise - Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 050. OvaPhilippi / 050. Philippians - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 056. Titus - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 057. Filemon / 057. Philemon - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 061. 2 Petrus / 061. 2 Peter - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 062. 1 John - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 063. 2 John - To a lady chosen by God and to her children - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 064. 3 John - To a dear friend Gaius - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Dhimba - 065. Jude - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Garo: Bangladesh - Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD - Book 4 of an audio-visual series with Bible stories of Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. For evangelism, church planting and systematic Christian teaching. Updated January.
- Gurung: Kaski - Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT - Book 8 of an audio-visual series with Bible stories of the young church and Paul. For evangelism, church planting and systematic Christian teaching. Updated January.
- Himba - 007. Embo rOvapangure / 007. Judges - Audio Bible readings of small sections of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Himba - 008. Embo ra Rut / 008. Ruth - Audio or video presentations of Bible stories in summarised or interpreted form. Updated January.
- Himba - 009. Embo Etenga ra Samuel / 009. 1 Samuel - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Himba - 040. Mateus / 040. Matthew - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Himba - 043. Johanes / 043. John - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Himba - 054. 1 Timoteus / 054. 1 Timothy - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.
- Himba - 055. 2 Timoteus / 055. 2 Timothy - Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Updated January.