Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi language
Language name: Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
ISO Language Name: Ju|'hoansi [ktz]
Language State: Verified
GRN Language Number: 11202
IETF Language Tag: ktz-x-HIS11202
ROLV (ROD) Language Variety Code: 11202
Sample of Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
Download Ju 'hoansi Tsumkwe - The Two Roads.mp3
Audio recordings available in Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.
Hui tci-a gea ǁ'ami ka hui-a mi n|ang tsa' [Good News]
Audio-visual Bible lessons in 40 sections with pictures. Contains Bible overview from creation to Christ, and teaching on the Christian life. For evangelism and church planting. Hui tci-a gea ǁ’ami ka hui-a mi n|ang tsa’
1. Genesis
Some or all of the 1st book of the Bible Aan die Begin, Genesis 1 ▪ Dit is hoe God alles gemaak het, Genesis 2 ▪ Die mens val in sonde, Genesis 3 ▪ Kain en Abel, Genesis Hoofstuk 4 ▪ Die nageslag van Adam tot by Noag, Genesis Hoofstuk 5 ▪ Die verhaal van Noag, Genesis 6 ▪ Die Toring van Babel, Genesis 11 ▪ Abram gaan na die land Kanaan, Genesis 12 ▪ Vier Konings maak oorlog, Genesis 14 ▪ Die Engele red vir Lot en sy huisgesin, Genesis 19 ▪ God toets vir Abram, Genesis 22 ▪ Jakob kom weer by Bet-El, Genesis 35 ▪ Josef sê wat die Farao se Drome beteken, Genesis 41
4. Numbers
Some or all of the 4th book of the Bible Die Israeliete stuur spioene uit, Numeri 13 ▪ Balak en Bileam se Donkie, Numeri 22
16. Samuel Anoints David to be king, 1 Samuel 16:1-23
Some or all of the 9th book of the Bible Samuel salf Dawid om Koning te word, 1 Samuel 16:1-23
7. God will destroy the temple, Jeremiah 7:1-15
Some or all of the 24th book of the Bible God gaan die tempel verwoes, Jeremia 7:1-15
40. Matthew
Some or all of the 40th book of the Bible Johannes die Doper en Jesus, Matteus 3 ▪ Jesus gee 5000 mense kos, Matteus 14:13-21
41. Mark
Some or all of the 41st book of the Bible Jesus jaag baie geeste uit 'n man, Markus 5:1-20 ▪ Jesus ry Jerusalem op 'n donkie binne, Markus 11 1-11
Download all Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
- Language MP3 Audio Zip (195.1MB)
- Language Low-MP3 Audio Zip (45.5MB)
- Language MP4 Slideshow Zip (296.2MB)
- Language 3GP Slideshow Zip (26.1MB)
Other names for Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
Dobe Kung
Ju|'hoansi (Vernacular Name)
Tsumkwe Ju/'hoansi
Tsumkwe !Kung
Where Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi is spoken
Languages related to Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
- Ju|'hoansi (ISO Language)
- Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
- Gobabis Ju|'hoansi
- ‡Kx'auǁ'eisi
- Shakawe Ju|'hoansi
Information about Tsumkwe Ju|'hoansi
Other information: Spoken in Tsumkwe East Constituency and Tsumkwe Constituency at Aasvoëlnes, Nhoma, Pespeka. Ju or !Xu. Spoken by Northern Ju|'hoansi. Could be intelligable with //Kx'au//'ein or Gobabis !Kung.
Population: 4,500
Literacy: 3%
Work with GRN on this language
Are you passionate about Jesus and communicating the Christian gospel to those who have never heard the Bible message in their heart language? Are you a mother tongue speaker of this language or do you know someone who is? Would you like to help us by researching or providing information about this language, or help us find someone who can help us translate or record it? Would you like to sponsor recordings in this or any other language? If so, please Contact the GRN Language Hotline.
Note that GRN is a non profit organization, and does not pay for translators or language helpers. All assistance is given voluntarily.