International Leadership Team consists of 5 - 7 National Directors or Board members who are appointed by the GRN International Council to work with the International Director and to provide global leadership for the mission.
GRN International Leadership Team
Tim Strauss
GRN International Director and Chair of International Leadership Team. Tim provides strategic leadership and represents the mission at a global level.
Skip Garmo
Executive Director GRN USA. Skip brings a diverse history that includes serving the Lord as a college and seminary professor and as president of two other international ministries.
National Director Asia
GRN National Director in Asia with more than 20 years ministry experience with GRN in recording, outreach and leadership.
Joseph Ndiba
Centre Leader GRN Cameroon. Joseph has been in leadership since 1992, is trained as a paramedic and recordist, and has studied translation principles, theology and computer science.
Christine Platt
CEO GRN Australia. Christine has a background as an electrical engineer, has studied theology, and served for 10 years with SIM (Serving in Mission) in Ecuador.
Graydon Colville - Outgoing International Director. Graydon remains connected to the ILT for 2024 to assist in the transfer of leadership.