Ηχογραφήσεις αυτού του σεναρίου: How to Walk the Jesus Road

Εμφάνιση στοιχείων 1 έως 324 από 324

Acholi [Uganda] - Words of Life 2

Achuar [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life 1

Adangme: Krobo [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life

Adi: Padam-Miri [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Akha [Myanmar, Shan State, Kengtung] - Words of Life 2

Akolet [Papua New Guinea, West New Britain] - Words of Life

Alak: Kamkok [Laos] - Words of Life

Ale: Dobase [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Algonquin [Canada, Quebec] - Words of Life

Anak Dalam [Indonesia, Jambi] - Words of Life

Apache, Jicarilla [United States of America, New Mexico] - Words of Life 2

Arabic, Sudanese Juba [South Sudan] - Words of Life 2

Arakan [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Aringa [Uganda] - Words of Life

Ashaninca [Peru, Apurimac] - Words of Life

Assamese [India, Assam] - Words of Life 2

Assiniboin [Canada, Saskatchewan] - Words of Life w/ ENGLISH: Amer. Ind

Atsam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Aukan: Aluku [Suriname] - Messages w/AUKAANS: Stoelmans

Auwe Uptabi [Brazil, Mato Grosso] - Words of Life

Awak [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Awngi: Kwolla [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Ayore [Bolivia] - Words of Life 1

Bacama [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Bagheli [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bahnar [Vietnam, Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - Words of Life

Bainapi [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Words of Life

Baining [Lang. 2] [Papua New Guinea, East New Britain] - Words of Life

Bakairi [Brazil, Mato Grosso] - Words of Life

Baniwa [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Bankal [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Bari: Nyangbara [Sudan, ash-Sharqiyah] - Words of Life

Bassa: Central [Liberia] - Words of Life

Bassa: Central [Liberia] - Words of Life w/ BASSA: Liberia

Batonu [Benin, Alibori] - Words of Life 1

Bermejo Wichi [Argentina, Chaco] - Words of Life

Bete, Gagnoa [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Bilaspuri [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Birifor, Malba: Birifor [Ghana, Upper West] - Words of Life

Bishnupuriya [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Blackfoot [Canada, Alberta] - Words of Life

Blang-Shan [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 2

Bodo: South Bank Assam [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Boga & Pokta [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Boki [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life 1

Bongo: Karagiti [South Sudan] - Words of Life

Borana: Gabbra [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Borana: Gabbra [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 3

Bru, Eastern [Laos] - Words of Life

Buhid: Batangan [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Oriental Mindoro, Bongabong, Batangan] - Spiritual Growth

Bura [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Burak [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Burak [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life 2

Burun [Sudan, ash-Shamaliyah] - Words of Life 2 w/ ARABIC songs

Bussa [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Chakma: Assam [India, Mizoram] - Words of Life

Chamacoco Ishiro [Paraguay, PA23, Bahia Negra] - Words of Life

Chang Naga [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - Words of Life for Children

Chin, Falam: Chorai [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Chin, Khumi: Awa [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Chin, Siyin [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Chol: Tumbala [Mexico, Chiapas] - Words of Life

Chontal, Tabasco: Tapotzingo [Mexico, Tabasco] - Words of Life

Choroti [Argentina, Salta] - Words of Life

Chrau TT [Vietnam, South East, Dong Nai] - Words of Life

Chru [Vietnam, Central Highlands, Lam Dong] - Words of Life

C'lela [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Cocama-Cocamilla: Cocama [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Cree, Eastern [Canada, Quebec] - Words of Life

Cua [Vietnam, South Central Coast, Quang Ngai] - Words of Life

Dadiya [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Dagaari, Northern: Lobi [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Desia: Koraput [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Dhimba [Angola] - Words of Life

Dholuo [Tanzania] - Words of Life 3

Dikaka: Bwilim [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life w/ CHAM: Nigeria

Dinka: Agaar [South Sudan] - Words of Life 3

Dinka, Padang: Ageer [South Sudan] - Words of Life 2

Duguri [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Dungmali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Ebira: Okene [Nigeria, Kwara] - Words of Life

Ekpeye [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Engenni [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

English: American Indian [United States of America, Texas] - Words of Life w/ ENGLISH: Amer. Ind

English: American Indian [United States of America, Texas] - Words of Life w/ Achumawii

English: USA [United States of America] - A. Truths of the Christian Faith

Fulfulde, Fulbe Ladde [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life 1

Gamit [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Gao [Solomon Islands, Isabel] - Words of Life

Garhwali: Tehri [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life 2

Garo: Tripura [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Gbabyi [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Geyo [Kenya, Elgeyo-Marakwet] - Words of Life w/ GEYO

Gitxsan [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life

Grebo, Central: Borobo [Liberia] - Words of Life

Gros Ventre [United States of America, Montana] - Words of Life

Guaymi [Panama] - Words of Life

Gujarati [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Gupapuyngu [Australia, Northern Territory, North-East Arnhem land] - Words of Life

Gurung: Kaski [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI songs

Gwich'in: Fort Yukon [Canada, Northwest Territories] - Words of Life 2

Halbi [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life 1

Halkomelem: Cowichan [United States of America, Washington] - Words of Life

Hamtai [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Hanunoo [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region] - Spiritual Growth

Hausa: Kano [Nigeria, Kano] - Words of Life 1

Hausa: Kano [Nigeria, Kano] - Words of Life

Hema [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Hmar [India, Assam] - Words of Life 1

Ho [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Hopi [United States of America, Arizona] - Words of Life

Huave de Santa Maria del Mar [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juchitan] - Words of Life

Hyam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Ichen [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Igbo: Union [Nigeria, Abia] - Words of Life

Ijaw [Nigeria, Bayelsa] - Words of Life

Ijaw: Angiama [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Ikwo [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

In [Laos] - Words of Life

Iraya: San Teodoro [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Occidental Mindoro] - Words of Life

Ishan [Nigeria, Edo] - Words of Life 2

Jarai [Vietnam, Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - Words of Life

Jere: Buji [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Jibu [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life 1

Jingpho [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Jingpho: Dulong [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Jukun: Dampar [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life w/ JUKUN: Wukari

Jukun Kona [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Jur: Molo [Sudan] - Words of Life

Kafa [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Kakwa: Congo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2 w/ BANGALA songs

Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille [United States of America, Montana] - Words of Life

Kam [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Kamo [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kanukuru [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Karfa [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Kashmiri [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Words of Life

Katang, Southern [Laos, Salavan] - Words of Life

Katcha-Kadugli-Miri: Katcha [Sudan, Kurdufan] - Words of Life 2

Katu: Pilu [Vietnam] - Words of Life

Kau Bru [India, Assam] - Words of Life 1

Keraikerai [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Keres: Acoma & Laguna [United States of America, New Mexico] - Words of Life 2

Kgalagadi [Botswana] - Words of Life

Khadia [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Khamu [Laos] - Growing in Jesus

Kibira [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Kikamba [Kenya, Kajiado] - Words of Life 4

Kimbote [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - Messages and Songs

Kimbuba [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Words of Life 1

Koalib: Nukr [Sudan] - Words of Life

Kofyar: Jipal [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Koho: Tring [Vietnam] - Words of Life

Kom [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life

Korku: Bauriya [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Kpan [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Kpelle, Liberia [Liberia] - Words of Life

Kuanua: Raluana [Papua New Guinea, East New Britain] - Words of Life

Kului [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Kupiya [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Kwakwala [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life 2

Lacandon: Lacanja [Mexico, Chiapas] - Words of Life

Lahu: Na [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 1

Lalla [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life 2

Lavongai [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Lawa, Western: La-up [Thailand, Northern, Mae Hong Son, Maesarieng] - What the Christian Believes

Lengua [Paraguay] - Words of Life

Lhao Vo [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Lhowa: Upper Mustang [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ LHASA

Lihir [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Lisu: Western [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life

Loma: Gbunde [Liberia] - Words of Life

Longuda [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Longuda [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life w/ LONGUDA

Loven: Houei Kong [Laos] - Words of Life

Lushai [India, Mizoram] - Words of Life 2

Macedonian [North Macedonia] - Words of Life 4

Madak [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Mahali [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Malagasy, Merina [Madagascar] - Words of Life 2

Maleng: Kha Pakatan [Laos] - Words of Life

Managalas: Nupa [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

Mandara: Tabar [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Manipuri [India, Manipur] - Words of Life 2

Manobo, Matigsalug [Philippines, Mindanao, Davao Region] - Words of Life

Marathi [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life 1

Marghi South [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Mataru [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Mbembe, Tigon: Nzare [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life

Mbembe, Tigon: Nzare [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life w/ NZARE

Mboi: Haanda [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Mbula [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Mentawai [Indonesia, Sumatera Barat (West)] - Words of Life

Miniafia Oyan [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

Miri: Miching [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Mixteco de Ayutla [Mexico, Guerrero, AYUTLA] - Words of Life

Mixteco de Mixtepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlaxiaco] - About Jesus

Mixteco de Nuxaa [Mexico, Oaxaca, Nochixtlan, Santo Domingo Nuxaa] - Words of Life 1

Mixteco de San Miguel el Grande [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlaxiaco] - Words of Life

Mixteco de Santa María Peñoles [Mexico, Oaxaca, Etla] - Words of Life

Moken: Dung [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Monmoyonmonsang [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Monshang [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Mon: Takanoon [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Morokodo [South Sudan] - Words of Life 2

Mumuye: Yoro & Sagwe & Daffe [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Mundu: Congo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Murung: Niopreng [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - Words of Life

Naga, Khoibu [India, Manipur] - Messages & Songs

Naga, Konyak [India, Assam] - Words of Life 1

Naga, Phom [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life 1

Náhuatl del Norte de Puebla [Mexico, Puebla] - Words of Life

Náhuatl del Sureste de Puebla [Mexico, Puebla] - Words of Life

Nalik [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Navajo [United States of America, Arizona] - Words of Life 2

Ndo: Kebutu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI: Kathmandu

Ngarinyin [Australia, Western Australia, King River] - Words of Life

Nimadi [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Ninzam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Niue [Niue] - Words of Life

Nivacle [Paraguay] - Words of Life

Njai [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Njwande [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Nkoroo [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Nootka [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life w/ NOOTKA: Nitinat

Notu [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life w/ EWAGE

Nung [Vietnam] [Vietnam, North East, Cao Bang] - Words of Life

Nyaheun: Ban Jiang [Laos] - Words of Life

Nya Huba [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Oi: Konghang [Laos] - Words of Life

Orokaiva [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

Oron [Nigeria, Akwa Ibom] - Words of Life

Otomí del Valle del Mezquital [Mexico, Hidalgo] - Words of Life

Otoro [Sudan] - Words of Life 2

Oy: La-Nyao [Laos] - Words of Life

Palaung [Myanmar, Kachin State] - Words of Life 1

Pardhan [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Pele-Ata: Ata [Papua New Guinea, West New Britain] - Words of Life

Pesse [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Piapoco [Colombia, Guainía] - Words of Life

Pilaga: Toba-Pilaga [Argentina, Chaco] - Words of Life

Pnong [Cambodia] - Words of Life

Potawatomi [United States of America, Kansas] - Words of Life

Punjabi, Eastern [India, Punjab] - Words of Life 2 (H)

Putai [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Q'eqchi' [Guatemala, Alta Verapaz] - Words of Life 1

Quechua, Huanuco [Peru, Huanuco] - Words of Life

Quechua, San Martin [Peru, Amazonas] - Words of Life 2

Quinault [United States of America, Washington] - Words of Life

Rade [Vietnam, Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - Words of Life

Rai, Lohorong [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI, RAI: Lohorong

Rai, Lohorong [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI

Rajbanshi [Nepal] - Words of Life 1

Ralte [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Rawang [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Rawang: Ganung [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Rawang: Krangku [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Rawang: Masang [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Rendille [Kenya, Marsabit] - Words of Life 3

Roglai, Northern [Vietnam, South Central Coast, Ninh Thuan] - Messages w/ ROGLAI: Southern

Rukuba [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Sangtam Naga [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life

Sapuan [Laos] - Words of Life

Sartang [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Salvation For Mankind

Seraji: Inner [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Messages w/ SERAJI: Mandi, etc

Shan [Myanmar] - Words of Life 1

Shipibo-Conibo [Peru, Huanuco] - Words of Life 1

Shua: Ganadi [Botswana] - Words of Life w/ KALANGA

Shua: Koree-Khoe [Botswana] - Words of Life w/ TSWANA

Siar [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Sirmuri: Dadahu [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

So: Muong Luang [Laos] - Words of Life

So: Phalane [Laos] - Words of Life

Subanon: Tuboy [Philippines, Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula] - Words of Life

Subiya [Botswana] - Words of Life

Sursurunga [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Swati [Eswatini] - Words of Life 1

Tagabawa [Philippines, Mindanao] - Words of Life 2

Tagbanwa: Coron [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Palawan] - Words of Life

Tahoi [Laos] - Words of Life

Tangale [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Tangkhul Naga [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Tepehua de Huehuetla [Mexico, Hidalgo] - Words of Life

Tera [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Thakali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Thlinget [United States of America, Alaska] - Words of Life

Ticuna (Brazil) [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life 1

Tigak [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Tirurai [Philippines, Mindanao] - Words of Life

Tiv [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life 1

Toba Maskoy [Paraguay] - Words of Life

Toulour [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - Words of Life

Trinitario [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Tripura: Ushai [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - Words of Life

Tripuri [India, Assam] - Words of Life 1

Tsangla [Bhutan] - Words of Life

Tsishingini [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Tsobo [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Tsonga [South Africa, Limpopo] - Words of Life

Turkana [Kenya, Turkana] - Words of Life 1

Tutchone, Northern [Canada, Yukon Territory] - Words of Life

Twi: Akwapem [Ghana] - Words of Life

Urak Lawoi [Thailand, Southern, Krabi] - Words of Life

Venda [South Africa, Limpopo] - Words of Life

Vietnamese: Hue [Vietnam] - Words of Life w/ VIETNAMESE: South

Wadi: Agi [South Sudan] - Words of Life with Avukaya Songs

Wagga: Vemngo [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life w/ WAGGA: Central

Waja [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Wannu [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Wipi [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Words of Life 1

Wobe [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Xhosa [South Africa, Eastern Cape] - Words of Life

Xokleng [Brazil, Santa Catarina] - Words of Life

Yagaria [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Yavapai [United States of America, Arizona] - Words of Life

Yendang: Akule & Ikume [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Yi: Hong [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 2

Yoruba: Yagba [Nigeria, Oyo] - Words of Life

Yungur: Kama [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Yunnanese [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life

Zaiwa: Kachin [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Zul [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life w/ HAUSA: Kano

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