Kosova Trip Report - June 2018

Bible Story flip charts, CDs and DVDs in their language
Bible Story flip charts, CDs and DVDs in their language

Αυτή η σελίδα δεν είναι προς το παρόν διαθέσιμη στο ελληνικα.

Starting the day with a trip to the grocery store
Gifts of of toys, clothes and shoes are appreciated
The people are open to hearing Bible stories

by Kenny McKee GRN UK

Hello again, We just returned from a wonderful week in Kosova with a team of eight people from the UK. We met up with our friends from Victory Church, Gjakove and it was so good to see them all again. Six of our team had been before, but we also had two friends from Bude in Cornwall who came with us for the first time.

Each year we bring humanitarian aid with us to distribute to the many poor families living in the community.

We also took some of our GRN materials to distribute including sets of Bible Story flip charts, CDs and DVDs in their language.

Each day we started by buying food at the local supermarkets and then visited the many families in need. Victory church have over 100 families that they regularly provide for and visit. These visits were especially humbling for us to see the poor conditions some live in. Many don't have running water and bathroom facilities and as unemployment is high most live on a day by day basis.

We gave out clothes, shoes and small gifts given by our home churches. We also had the opportunity to pray with each family and to encourage them.

We also love to visit the Roma communities and when we drive into their area the children run alongside the vehicle in excitement.

The church do kids clubs each week in the Roma colonies, with Bible stories, games, songs and small treats. All our team loved being involved in the programs we did. Many of the Roma parents stand around and listen to the Bible stories and enjoyed watching the fun and games. The people are so open to hearing the Good News and this was our emphasis of the week...putting God First in our lives.

Again we visited many of the Roma families in their make shift homes and gave out clothes and aid. They have many needs, but still welcome us with lovely smiles.

Our UK team and the Victory church team of six travelled around and worked together and this was an amazing Recordist Trainers Conference blessing to see unity and partnership in action.

Everyone can play a part in the Kingdom work. No one feels out and all were involved and blessed in serving.

The church also has weekly meetings for children, widows/ ladies, youth and then together for Sunday service. The church reach over 500 young people each month. Our team had the opportunity to lead these meetings, play games, songs etc and this was a wonderful time. We heard many amazing testimonies from the people during these times. We all heard and felt that God is working in this place.

All to soon our time there was over and we said our good byes.

Each time we visit Kosova we are so blessed by the love and friendliness of the people.

Please pray for them.

Many thanks.....God Bless you.
Kenny and the UK Team

Σχετική πληροφορία

Global News - Latest news about the ministry and resources of the Global Recordings Network from around the world.

Global Recordings Network UK - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN UK.

Κοσσυφοπέδιο - Πληροφορίες για Κοσσυφοπέδιο

Kosova - Roma Families - Join Kenny McKee from the UK office for 7 days of life changing impact in Kosova. The team works with Roma families, who are amongst the poorest in the region.