Canada Praise and Prayer - June 2024

Αυτή η σελίδα δεν είναι προς το παρόν διαθέσιμη στο ελληνικα.

1. International Director - Tim Strauss, has completed his first month as the International Director. Pray for Tim, as he takes up the challenge of leading GRN ministries around the world.

2. KENYA - James, started recording the Thur language the end of May. Pray for the language helpers as they translate the scripts that they would do a good job. Pray for James, as he does the recording, with the editing taking place at a later date.

3. CANADA - Pray for Mark Griffin, as he continues to make contacts for the mission with churches. Pray that these contacts will result in people wanting to support the ministry.

4. KENYA - The Kenyan team completed the 'Look, Listen, and Live' series in the Sengwar language last year. A distribution effort assembles local church leaders and trains them in the effective use of GRN materials for their own congregations and outreach efforts. Pray that they will be able to distribute the materials in the near future.

5. USA: Praise the Lord for 85 years of God's provision of finances and resources for ministry. Give thanks with us as we celebrate God's faithfulness.

6. INDIA - GRN has recorded many languages in India over the years and had a centre there. Pray that a new active ministry will soon be established in the country. There are still thousands of languages that need to be recorded and distributed.

7. CANADA - Pray for Kevin and Ruth Horan, as they serve in their roles as program developer and Ruth in the sudio department.

8. UK: Pray for Kenny who recently learned they need to move out of their present office, which is being redeveloped. Please pray for wisdom for the Board and Kenny as they make decisions about a future location.

9. INTERNATIONAL - The GRN workers often face difficulties as they go into remote areas to record or distribute GRN materials. Pray that God will meet all of their needs and provide funding to expand their ministries.

10. CANADA - Marian Elliott has faced challenging days due to the loss of her hearing. She was able to get a hearing aid for her right ear and as transmitter for the left. Pray that she will see a great deal of benefit with improved hearing.

11. FRENCH SPEAKING RECORDISTS - Pray about the growing need to have several French speaking recordists active in Francophone Africa to advance the recording work. Pray that the recruiting and training of several French-speaking recordists will happen in God's time.

12. USA: Pray that God would call the person of His choosing to serve as Executive Director, and more staff to serve in various ways on the Tucson compound.

13. MEXICO - Praise God for the work of the team, led by Chucho the director. They are doing a great job of reaching out to migrant workers in many parts of Mexico. Pray that the team will be encouraged to continue their good work.

14. CANADA - Pray for Diane Roberts, as she comes into the office once a month to work on the financial program and do the monthly payroll. She gracefully offers her time to the ministry. Pray for Diane as she learns the new payroll program that we had to switch to.

15. Artificial Intelligence, like all tools, can be used for good or ill. Pray for the team in Australia who are hoping to use it to generate media content. Pray also for the Lord to continue to protect GRN systems from the increasingly sophisticated threats on the World Wide Web.

16. AUSTRALIA - Christine Platt is the director for this important GRN Centre. Pray for Christine, as she leads the ministry and the large team of missionaries. The Australia office provides funding for the largest number of GRN centres and basis. Pray that all of their financial needs will be met.

17. AFRICA - Recordist, Joel J has trained some new recordists in Africa who are busy editing the new recordings they just made. Pray for them, for the editing process, and for the people who will hear God's word because of their efforts.

18. GRN International - Pray that the millions who still don't have access to the Gospel will be led into the kingdom through combined efforts of GRN teams, local churches, and other mission partners.

19. UGANDA - Give thanks for Yousif from Australia who is making recordings in Uganda and trialing trauma materials. Pray too for his wife Vivian as she serves with the team in Kenya.

20. NEW TESTAMENT - Thailand and a neighboring country have recorded the New Testament in a language that crosses their border. Four recordists are busily editing their work and having it checked by the translation team.

21. BRAZIL - The ministry had a few set backs in recent years due to staff moving on to other ministries. Pray that God will raise up new people with the burden to reach out to the indigenous people.

22. CANADA - Pray for David Elliott, now acting as the Chief Operating Officer. He oversees all of the daily office responsibilities and banking.

23. INTERNATIONAL - Please pray for the script team as they focus on review of the script library, script adaptation, writing new scripts, and helping recording teams make good content and script choices.

24. ASIA - In an Asian country on the Open Doors watch list (high level of Christian persecution) an organization is working well with the local church to train Christians to work with our recording teams in translation, recording, and outreach. Pray for new staff being trained and for their courage in the face of opposition.

25. CANADA - GRN seeks to get the word out by using various forms of social media. Pray that the Canadian ministry may be able to make better use of social media to reach the younger generation for missions.

26. NEW RELEASE OF 5fish APP - Please pray for a successful release of new major improvements to the 5fish app for Android™. Version 3 has a new look and aims to make it easier for people to search for languages and provide feedback.

27. ASIA - One unnamed Asia country has two fully trained recordists. One, Candra, traveled to a remote people group a few months ago where he recorded several GRN programs in a minority language. He is currently editing the material. He also distributed existing recordings in some neighboring languages. Pray for God's blessing on these projects.

28. UKRAINE - The war is seldom mentioned in the news these days, even though it goes on non-stop. Pray for the people in Ukraine who are faced with daily bombings and the loss of life. Pray for the ministries that are still reaching out to the needy people in Ukraine.

29. ISRAEL - Please pray for peace in Israel and that the remaining hostages will be released unharmed.

30. CANADA - As summer approaches, things begin to slow down on the financial side. Pray that all of the needs of GRN Canada will be met and we can continue to provide for recording projects in Kenya.

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Καναδάς - Πληροφορίες για Καναδάς

Praise and Prayer - Canada - Prayer news and notes from GRN Canada.