Shining Light into Thailand

The villagers called for the Motorbike Gospel Team to return for a visit
The villagers called for the Motorbike Gospel Team to return for a visit

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After receiving an urgent request to go and pray for a family who had received Christ, GRN Thailand team member, Lot, travelled to Maehongson province in February with a team of Karen Sgaw ministry partners.

The GRN Motorbike Gospel Team (MGT) visited this family for the first time 4 years ago. There were no Christians in this village. Two years ago the MGT visited this family again and gave them an MP3 player with the Good News recording in Karen Sgaw. After receiving the recording, the family listened to it over and over until recently the husband and wife decided to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

The family contacted the MGT and asked the team to go and pray for them. With this good news, Lot and the Karen team didn't waste any time, but went to visit the family. The journey was 9 hours and the team was so encouraged when they arrived and heard the couple's testimony. The couple shared that they didn't understand everything on the recording but the one thing they understood clearly, and was the cause for their decision to receive Christ, was their understanding that God is the great Creator. Previously, they sacrificed pigs and chickens to the spirits who live in the trees and rivers, and to various demons. Now they understand that God is the Creator of all of these things and therefore He is the only one they should worship.

The MGT had a time of worship and prayer to God for this new believing couple and presented them to the church in a nearby village to look after. The team also visited other families in the couple's village who are interested in the Good News about God. Praise God for His evident work in the lives of the Karen Sgaw people in this village.

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