unfoldingWord 31 - Isua Tui Chungah A Kal

unfoldingWord 31 - Isua Tui Chungah A Kal

Omrids: Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21

Script nummer: 1231

Sprog: Mizo

Publikum: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Formål: Evangelism; Teaching

Bibel citat: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Scripts er grundlæggende retningslinjer for oversættelse og optagelse til andre sprog. De bør tilpasses efter behov for at gøre dem forståelige og relevante for hver kultur og sprog. Nogle anvendte termer og begreber kan have behov for mere forklaring eller endda blive erstattet eller helt udeladt.

Script tekst

Tin, Isuan a zirtirte chu mipuite a ṭintir chhungin anni chu lawngah lo chuanga, dil râl lehlama lo zu kal tûrin a hrilh a. Isuan mipuite a kal tîr zawh chuan, ṭawngṭai tûrin tlângah a han chho va. Isua chu mahni chauhvin a awm a, zân rei tak thlengin a ṭawngṭai ta a.

Chutihlai chuan, a zirtîrte chuan lawng an lo kar mek a, nimahsela, zan rei tawhah pawh, dil lai an la thleng chauh mai a. Anmahni lama thli a tleh nasat em avangin lawng chu harsa takin an kar ṭâng ṭâng a.

Tin, Isua a ṭawngṭai zawhin a zirtîrte hnênah a kal a. Dilah chuan tui chungah kalin an lawng lam chu a va pan ta a ni.

Zirtirte chuan Isua chu an hmuhin hmuithla hmu ah an inngai a, an hlau ta êm êm a. An hlau tih Isuan a hria a, tichuan, anmahni chu a ko va, an hnênah, “Hlau suh u. Keimah ka ni alawm!” a ti a.

Tin, Peteran Isua hnênah, “Lalpa, nang i nih chuan, tui chunga i hnêna lo kal thu mi pe rawh,” a ti a. Isuan Petera hnênah, “Lo kal ta che,” a ti a.

Tichuan, Petera chu lawng ata a chhuka, Isua hnên lam panin tui chungah chuan a kal tan ta a. Nimahsela, tawite a kal hnu chuan, Isua en tawh lovin a mit chu a la sawn a, tuifawn chu a en ta a, thlipui chak tak chu a hre ṭan ta a.

Tin, Petera chuan a hlau ta a, tuiah a pil tan ta a. “Lalpa, mi chhandam rawh!” tiin a au a. Isuan amah chu a ban ta nghal a, a chelh ta a. Tin, Petera hnênah, “Nang rin tlem, engah nge i rinhlelh le?” a ti a.

Petera leh Isua chu lawnga an luh chuan thli tleh chu a bâng ta nghal a, tui fawn pawh a reh ta a. Zirtirte chuan mak an ti hle a. A hnênah, “Pathian Fapa i lo nih takzet hi,” tiin, chibai an bûk a.

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