Sequential Program Full Script

Sequential Program Full Script

Omrids: PART I & PART II of this script can be used together, or, where applicable, just the first part can be used. This script, including Attributes of God, Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and other OT stories, shows the promises of God in Scripture to send a Saviour to save men from their sin and the fulfilment of these promises in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. After a call to commitment, Part 2 then goes on to show how a person who believes in Christ should live to please God, with: The Coming of the Holy Spirit – How Christians Should Live – Prayer - Worshipping God – Bearing Fruit – Confession of Sin – Heaven and Hell – Witnessing - The Return of Christ.

Script nummer: SPS5

Sprog: English

Tema: Undefined (Multiple themes)

Publikum: General

Stil: Monolog

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Formål: Evangelism; Teaching

Bibel citat: Minimal

Status: Approved

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Script tekst

Part I - Introduction

Part I - Introduction

My friends, I want to tell you something that is very important. It is true. It is from God's Book. I want to tell you about God and how He made the world. This same God loves you very much. Listen carefully to these important words. (INTRO - Can be adapted or changed according to each situation.)

Attributes Of God

Attributes Of God

God always lived.  God didn't have a father, He didn't have a mother.  He wasn't born.  He can't die.  God always existed. God is a Spirit.  God has all power.  He has more power than anything else.  He has more power than evil spirits or any other person in this world.  He has more power than the river when it is high.  He has more power than the strongest wind and thunder storm.  Nothing is too hard for God.  God hears everything.  He knows what we are saying, even when we whisper.  God knows everything. He even knows what we are thinking.  He knows when we were born and He knows when we are going to die.  God is everywhere.  We can't see God but He sees us all the time.  God is good.  He never did anything bad.  He hates badness.  God never changes.  When He speaks His words are true for ever.



In the beginning only God existed.  There were no people, no animals, no seas, no trees and no sun.  There wasn't anything.  God spoke and everything that is in this world was made by Him.  He made the sun, moon, sky and the earth.
God made the trees and all the animals.  Everything that He made was very good.  God also made people.  The first man was named Adam and the first woman was named Eve.  God loved them. He gave them authority over all the animals. God wanted them to live happily together with Himself.  God is pleased when we live happily together with Him.

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve lived happily in a beautiful garden.  They talked with God and God talked with them.  God said to them, "You may eat the fruit from all the trees except one tree.  You must not eat of that one or you will die."  Now Satan is the enemy of God.  Satan is a liar. He deceived Eve.  Eve believed what Satan said, not what God said. She ate the fruit God had said not to eat.  Then Adam also ate.  They both disobeyed God.
This was sin. 
So God punished them.  Because they sinned He sent Adam and Eve out of the beautiful garden.  From that time they experienced pain, sickness and death.  But God still kept on loving them.  God promised to send a Saviour who would take away their sin.

Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel

Adam and Eve had two sons.  Their names were Cain and Abel.  But, just like their parents, Cain and Abel also sinned.  Cain hated his brother Abel.  One day he killed Abel.  In this way Cain sinned against God.  He disobeyed God.
All the descendants of Adam and Eve have sinned.  God hates it when we do wrong things.  He said he would punish all who sin. What are some of the bad things people do?  They do not obey God. They lie, hate each other, get angry, commit adultery, worship things or spirits instead of God.  They get drunk and do many other evil things.

All people have done bad things. You and I have done bad things.  God says that sin brings death.  How can we escape the punishment for our sin?  God promised to send a Savior.  The people who receive the Savior will not be punished. These people want to follow God's way.  The Savior will forgive their sins.



The descendants of Adam kept doing more and more bad things.  God decided to punish them.  He was going to send a big flood to destroy all people.
But there was one man who obeyed God.  His name was Noah.  God told Noah He was going to send a big flood.  He told Noah to make a big boat.
Noah obeyed God and built a large boat.  (Special Effect - Building.)
Only Noah and his family believed God was going to send a big flood.

After Noah and his family went into the boat, God shut the door. (SE - Door banging.)  Heavy rain fell, causing a big flood.  (SE - Storm.)
All the mountains were covered with water.  Everyone outside the boat died because they did not believe God.  Noah and his family were saved because Noah obeyed God. 



Noah's family grew and after a time there were many people on the earth again.
After many years a man named Abraham was born.  God called Abraham His friend.  God promised Abraham a son.  He promised that this son would become a large tribe.  Abraham became old and still had no son.  But Abraham continued to believe God's promise.  Finally, Abraham and his wife had a son named Isaac.  God said that through this large tribe all the peoples on earth would be happy.  Some followed God's ways and were happy.  But many did not believe.  They became very wicked.

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Many years later there was a man named Moses.  Moses believed in God and followed God's ways.  God told Moses to go up a certain mountain.  On the mountain God gave His special laws to Moses.  Moses came down the mountain and told God's laws to the people.  God wanted His people to obey His words.  God said:

1.  I am the one true God.  You must not worship another god.

2.  You must not carve wood or stone or anything, to bow down to it.
3.  You must not say God's name in a bad way.

4.  One day a week you should (keep special and) cease from your work.

5.  Children should respect their parents.

6.  You must not murder another person.

7.  You must not lie with another person's mate.

8.  You must not steal.

9.  You must not tell lies about another person.

10. You must not be jealous and want things for yourself that other people have. You must not want their house, their mate or anything belonging to them.

To do any of these things is to sin against God.  God says that the hearts of all people are bad.  All have sinned against God.  God will punish those who disobey Him.

Sacrifice For Sin

Sacrifice For Sin

Now God told people what to do when they sinned.  The people were told to bring and kill a sheep or other animal.  This was because God had promised to send a Saviour, but it was not time for Him to come.  God did not want his people to forget the promise, so He told them to sacrifice the animal.  When they did this they were obeying God.  God could see whether they were really sorry for their sins.

Listen carefully!  I will tell you how God sent His Son Jesus to take away all our sins.

The Birth of Christ

The Birth of Christ

God sent many messengers.  They kept telling people to obey God.  They also told them that God would send a Saviour.  They spoke concerning His coming many, many years before He came.

At the right time, God fulfilled His promise to Adam and Eve. 
This is how it happened.  There was a young woman named Mary. She had not yet slept with a man.  Mary was going to marry a man named Joseph.
One day an angel of God came to Mary.  The angel said, "God's Spirit will make you have a boy child.  You must name the child Jesus.  He will be called the Son of God."  The angel also said this to Joseph in a dream.  He said Jesus would save people from their sins.  A great power came upon Mary and she became pregnant.  Joseph did not sleep with Mary until after Jesus was born.

Nine months later, Mary gave birth to a boy child just as the angel had said. On that same night, the angel of God came to a group of shepherds.  The angel said, "Today, the Saviour, promised by God, was born."  The angel told the shepherds where to find the baby.  The shepherds went and found Jesus.  Then they went and told others they had seen the Savior.  This made many people very happy.

His Life and Ministry

His Life and Ministry

Jesus grew up like other children.  But He never did anything bad. When Jesus was twelve years old He talked about God to the religious leaders.  Later, when he was a man He taught many people about God. 

Jesus had great power.  He had more power than all the evil spirits and witchdoctors.  When He was on earth, He did many wonderful things.  He healed the sick, raised the dead to life and cast out demons.  He even walked on water.  Jesus had many followers who saw what He did and heard what He said.

Many people believed in Jesus.  Others did not want to believe in Him.  It is the same today.  Jesus is God's Son and we must believe in Him.

The Death of Christ

The Death of Christ

Jesus always did good.  He never sinned.  Jesus spoke about God and taught people to obey God.  Jesus taught that all people are sinful.

Many religious people did not want to confess they were sinners.  The religious leaders were angry.  They had soldiers arrest Jesus.  They wanted to put Him to death.  The soldiers spat on Jesus.  They beat Him and mocked Him.  But Jesus did not fight back.  Let me tell you why.  This was how God would take away our sins.

The ruler agreed that Jesus should die, so He was nailed to a wooden cross.  This was how they used to punish criminals.
His followers were very sad. But God had already said that Jesus would be the sacrifice
for our sin.  Jesus willingly died on the cross for my sin and your sin. Jesus never sinned.  He died so that He could take away our sins.  He did this because He loves us.

If we truly understand we are sinful and turn to Jesus, He will forgive our sins.  Thank Jesus for taking away your sins?  God says now all other sacrifices are finished.  God will forgive only those who believe in Jesus, His Son.

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

After Jesus died on the cross, His friends buried his body in a cave.  The cave was closed with a big heavy stone.  Three days later His followers came to the grave.  But Jesus was not there.  Instead they saw an angel.  The angel said, "Jesus is not here.  He has already come back to life again."  Then the angel disappeared.
After Jesus came alive again many people saw him.  He talked with His followers.  Thomas, a follower of Jesus, was not with them.  Thomas said to the others, "Unless I see the wounds in His hands, I will not believe that He has come back to life again."  Later, Jesus came to Thomas and showed him His wounds.  When he saw Jesus then Thomas believed that Jesus had come alive again.  God wants us to believe in Jesus even though we haven't seen Him.

The Ascension

The Ascension

For forty days after the Lord Jesus came back to life, He taught his followers many things.  Jesus told them to go and tell all people how He died and came alive again. Then he took His followers to a hill.
Then Jesus went up into Heaven.  His followers saw Him when He went up. Afterwards two angels said to the followers, "In the same way you saw Jesus go into heaven, He will come back again."  After the angels said this they disappeared.  Today the Lord Jesus is alive in heaven.  He hears us when we pray to Him.  Some day He will come back again.
He will take everyone who believes in Him to heaven.  If you believe (accept) what the Lord Jesus has done for you, you can go to heaven, too.

Call to Commitment

Call to Commitment

esus taught that there are two roads that we walk on; the wide road and a narrow road.  Every person already walks on the wide road.  It is a wide road because many people are on it.  The person on this wide road lives only to please himself.  He doesn't want to please God.  This wide road leads to punishment in a fire which cannot be put out.  The person who believes in Jesus and obeys his words goes from the wide road to the narrow road.  There are few people on the narrow road. The narrow road leads to life with God in Heaven.  In heaven there is no sickness.  There is no hunger, no sadness.  Everyone in Heaven is happy always.
Do you want to believe in Jesus?  If you do, speak to Jesus like this,
"Lord Jesus, I confess that I have done bad things.  I have turned against you by ..........(trusting in idols, witchdoctors, good works, committing adultery, etc.  List relevant sins).  Now I turn away from these things. I believe that you died on the cross to take the punishment for my sin.  I am very sorry that I have sinned.  Forgive me for sinning against you.  I want to follow you only from this day.  I want to do your will in everything.  I want to live in heaven with you when I die.  Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen" 
The person who truly believes in Jesus becomes a child of God.  It will be like being born a second time.  God becomes his Father.  He will live forever with God.

Part II - Introduction

Part II - Introduction

My friend, when a person receives Jesus as his Savior many good things happen to him.  Also, there are many things he should know.  Listen.  Iwill tell you what a person who follows Jesus should know.  (INTRO - can be changed or adapted for each situation.)

The Coming Of The Holy Spirit

The Coming Of The Holy Spirit

A person who doesn't believe in Jesus is like a person walking in the dark.  Because there is no light, they often slip and fall.  We need a guide who can point out the road which is right and the road which is wrong.
People who follow Jesus are like the people who walk in the light.  God's Spirit is their Guide.  He is always ready to help us.  He shows us the way in God's book (the Bible).
Before Jesus left His followers, He promised to send a Helper to them. He would do this after He had gone back to His home in Heaven.  After a time, His followers came together.  They prayed together while waiting for this Helper.  Suddenly, God's Spirit came upon each one of them and lived in them.  God's Spirit lives in everyone who believes in Jesus.  God's Spirit helps them to understand God's words. He helps them to do the things which please God.  The followers of Jesus want to do things which please God.

How Christians Should Live

How Christians Should Live

A follower of Jesus is called a Christian.  All Christians want to obey God (God's Word - the Bible).  The Bible tells us how we should live.  The Holy Spirit helps us to obey God.
A Christian family should live according to what God says.  A Christian husband loves his wife.  A Christian wife honors her husband.  The husband and wife must help one another.  They care for their children. They teach them about Jesus and the things of God.
God says that Christians should meet together regularly.  When they meet they can pray, sing, and learn from God's book together.  Christians are like a body with many parts.  The Lord Jesus is like the head of the body.  We are like the parts of the body.  Each part has a task that is different.
For example, preaching, singing, cooking, helping others, etc.  True Christians love one another and help one another.
We must not become angry with one another, steal, kill, commit adultery, or fail to do that which is good.



As God's children we can talk to God about everything in life.  We need to thank God for all the good things He gives us.  We can talk to God when we are in trouble.  He hears everything.  God loves us and will help us.
If you are sick, don't ask the witch doctors or the spirits of a dead person to help you.  To do that grieves (saddens) God.  God is more powerful than anyone and everything. Ask Him to help you.

Worshipping God

Worshipping God

God says that we must not worship idols or spirits of the dead.  We should destroy all our idols and fetishes.  We should worship only the Lord Jesus and ask help from him.  Jesus has greater power than every witchdoctor, idol, fetish or the spirits of dead people.  God does not work through fetishes and things like that.
Satan is a powerful angel who was the first to disobey God.  Other angels followed Satan, and are called evil spirits.  Satan and the evil spirits are God's enemies.  They want to hurt us. Satan wants us to think continually about how to get lots of money, clothes and other things.  He wants us to forget God.  But we must obey God.  Satan wants us to live in fear of bad spirits.  We do not need to fear.  God will always help us, if we ask Him.

Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

God says the followers of Jesus must also love their enemies.  We must do good to all people, even to those who do wrong to us.  We expect fruit from a tree.  Jesus likens Himself to a trunk of a vine and the people who believe are the branches.  Jesus expects good fruit from His followers.  That means fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, humility and inner control.  God's Spirit will produce these fruits in a true follower of Jesus.  A branch which does not bear any fruit will be cut off and burnt.  If we truly follow Jesus we will be joyful (happy).  We will remember to thank God often for loving and forgiving us.  We will thank Him for the peace and joy he puts in our hearts.

Confession Of Sin

Confession Of Sin

Sometimes we sin after becoming a follower of Jesus.  We must not try to hide our sin.  If we hide our sin God will not bless us.  He knows all things, so He knows when we do wrong things.  We must tell Him and turn away from our sins.  He loves us.  He will certainly forgive our sin if we turn away from it and ask Him to forgive us.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

When a person who believes in the Lord Jesus dies, his body is buried.  But his soul and spirit will go to heaven. This is because his sin has already been taken away by the Lord Jesus.  If a person who doesn't believe in the Lord Jesus dies, his body is also buried.  But his soul will be punished in the fire that never goes out.  This is because he did not ask God's forgiveness and did not believe in the Lord Jesus.



Do you believe in Jesus?  If you do, tell your family.  Has Jesus forgiven all your sin?   Don't be ashamed or afraid to tell your friends.  Jesus has told us to tell everyone about Him.  Tell them that your heart is calm and that you don't fear the spirits.  Tell them about heaven and eternal life.  If they turn away from their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus, they to will go to heaven when they die.
Also, tell them there is a place of punishment for those who do not believe in Jesus.  Tell them that Jesus wants to forgive everyone so that they will not be punished in the place of fire.  Jesus has told us to tell everyone about Him.

The Return Of Christ

The Return Of Christ

The Lord Jesus is now in Heaven but one day He is coming back again.  When He comes everyone who believes will be taken to heaven.  Even those who haven't died will be taken.  But people who do not believe in the Lord Jesus will be left and punished in the fire.  Are you ready if Jesus should come today?

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