Wealth or Christ

Wealth or Christ

Omrids: Dialogue between a Christian and an unhappy backslider. Sin separates man from God's nearness. Discussion of the root of the problem-- materialism, love of the world. Remedy: Come back and ask forgiveness, relinquishing one's sins.

Script nummer: 138

Sprog: English

Tema: Living as a Christian (Repentance, Leaving old way, begin new way, Joy, happiness, rejoicing); Problems (Materialism); Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience, Heart, soul of man)

Publikum: General

Stil: Dialog

Genre: Messages and Fiction

Formål: Teaching

Bibel citat: Extensive

Status: Approved

Scripts er grundlæggende retningslinjer for oversættelse og optagelse til andre sprog. De bør tilpasses efter behov for at gøre dem forståelige og relevante for hver kultur og sprog. Nogle anvendte termer og begreber kan have behov for mere forklaring eller endda blive erstattet eller helt udeladt.

Script tekst

(Starts with group singing a hymn. 1 - is a backslider; 2 - is a devoted Christian. They had been converted at the same time.)

1. Listen, friend! Isn't that the song the people sang on the day you and I first believed in Jesus?
2. Yes, that is the song.

1. Through this song, Jesus is now speaking to me again. I had such joy when I received Jesus, but now it is gone.
2. That is true. That is why I have come to talk to you now. I have seen that your joy is not like it was before.

1. That is true. I am sorry I am not following Jesus as I used to. Now, it is like He is very far away.
2. My friend, God's Word says: "Your sins have separated (divided) between you and God. They have come like a wall between you." That is what has taken away your joy. What kind of sin has come into your heart to separate you from God?

1. As I look into my heart, I can see only one big sin. It is a great desire (love) for the things of the world. I love material things more than the things of God.
2. Did you forget what the Word of God says about the things of the world? Listen to it. "They that try to be rich fall into the trap of Satan." Then he leads (pushes) them to do many other things. Wanting many things (If your heart is set on getting many things.), turns our heart from God. Satan is the one who turns us to the things of this world.

1. But why did God make these things, if He didn't want us to have them?
2. God will help us get the things He knows we truly need. But His Book says to make God's things biggest (first) in your life; and let Him keep your heart clean (give Him your heart to cause it to stay clean). "Seek ye first the kingdom (will) of God, and His righteousness." God knows what things are truly necessary to us. Sometimes we want things that are not truly necessary. Sometimes God lets us have them and sometimes He does not. If He does let us have some of this world's riches, He expects us to use it for His work. (It is not for us to become rich.) But our love for the things of God should exceed our love for the things of earth. If we continually set our hearts on earthly gain, perhaps we will become rich, but our heart will become poor. It is better to have the riches (blessing) of God in our hearts, than for us to have many things.

1. Ah, that is true. This word is just for me. I have put material things first. What can I do to receive the joy of Jesus in my heart again?
2. You must be sorry because of your sins, and tell them to God. Ask Him to forgive you. Leave your sins and turn to Jesus again with your whole heart. But He knows your heart. If you do not do it with a true heart, He will not forgive you. If you return to your sins again, everyone will see that you did not turn to Him with a true heart. Give yourself wholly to Jesus. Allow Him to have everything. Let Him truly be your Master.

1. My friend, from today, this is what I want more than anything else.

Isa. 59:2 I Tim. 6:9 Matt. 6:33

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