The Gift

The Gift

Omrids: Father tells story of the pearl diver's son who died after finding a huge perfect pearl. Pearl diver offers it as a gift to Christian friend. Offer of payment refused --no price could compare with son's death. Christian compares it to God's gift of salvation which cost the life of His Son.

Script nummer: 034

Sprog: English

Tema: Christ (Son of God); Belief System (Works versus Faith); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life)

Publikum: Hindu; Catholic; General

Stil: Dialog

Genre: Messages and Fiction

Formål: Evangelism

Bibel citat: Extensive

Status: Approved

Scripts er grundlæggende retningslinjer for oversættelse og optagelse til andre sprog. De bør tilpasses efter behov for at gøre dem forståelige og relevante for hver kultur og sprog. Nogle anvendte termer og begreber kan have behov for mere forklaring eller endda blive erstattet eller helt udeladt.

Script tekst

1. Father, is it true that there are believers in Jesus in every land?

2. Yes, son. There are many believers in other places. Would you like to hear a story about one? It is about an Indian pearl diver who discovered the gift of salvation.

l. Yes, Father! Please tell us the story.

2. Well, one afternoon in the land of India, a believer heard a knock at his door. His close friend, the pearl diver, had come to see him. "Come in, Rambhau," he said. "No, Sahib," said Rambhau, "I want you to come to my house. I have something to show you. In a week I am going to leave on my pilgrimage. By visiting many famous temples (images) and giving offerings there, I hope to acquire much merit. But now, will you come this last time to my home."

"Of course," answered the man. Then in his home, the pearl diver took out his strongbox and unlocked it. Before opening the box, he told this story. "Sahib, I once had a son who was the best pearl diver on the coasts of India. What joy he brought me! He always dreamed of finding a pearl more beautiful than any that had ever been found. One day, in very deep water, he found it. But he had stayed under the water too long; the next day he died." Then the old man opened the box and said, "All these years I have kept this pearl, but now I leave, not to return. So to you, my dearest friend, I give my pearl." The Christian could not speak as he gazed at the large pearl of most excellent beauty. "Rambhau," he exclaimed at last, "I could not accept this as a gift. Let me buy it. I will give you l0,000 rupees for it." "Sahib," said the pearl diver, "all the wealth of India could not pay me for its worth. Don't you understand? It cost the life of my son. I could never sell it. Just accept it as the token of my love to you."

Then earnestly the Christian spoke to Rambhau. "My friend, don't you understand? That is what God is saying to you. He offers you His precious gift of eternal life. His gift cost the lifeblood of Jesus Christ, His only Son. You cannot buy it. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. All that you can do is accept God's gift as a token of His love for you, a sinner."

For a long time Rambhau was silent. Then he said, "Now I understand, Sahib. My works of merit can never purchase forgiveness of sins. I will accept God's gift of salvation."

Oh, father, that is a good story. I'm glad Jesus loves all of us so much.

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