A Man with Leprosy

A Man with Leprosy

Omrids: Matthew 8:1-4

Script nummer: 1344

Sprog: English

Publikum: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Formål: Evangelism; Teaching

Bibel citat: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

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Script tekst

Ideas for the title:Jesus heals a leper [a man with a skin disease]Jesus makes an unclean man clean again.Jesus is willing to heal a sick man who trusted him.

Since long, long ago, people rejected those who had leprosy, because they feared getting [catching] the same disease.

The Law that God had given to Israel says that those who have leprosy must be called “unclean.” Therefore, nobody would touch a leper.

One day, a leper came near to Jesus and knelt [bowed] down before him.

The leper said, “Sir! If you are willing [to heal me and] to make me clean, then please do so!”

Jesus then reached out his hand, touched the leper, and said to him, “I am willing to heal you! You are now clean!”

That same instant [moment / minute], the man’s leprosy disappeared [the man was healed].

Jesus said to the man, “Do not tell anyone what I have done for you! First, go show yourself to a [Jewish] priest, and let him see [confirm] that you have become clean!

“Go to the Lord’s temple and give the offering [gift] that God’s law require of those whom he has cleansed [healed] from leprosy. This will show to everyone that you are now clean.”

And the man went away clean [healed from his leprosy.]

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