LLL 4 - Ngikedyanakinak Ngulu Ka Akuj [Se, lyt og lev 4 Guds tjenere] - Karamojong
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Bog 4 i en audiovisuel serie med bibelhistorier om Ruth, Samuel, David, Elias. Til evangelisering, menighedsplantning og systematisk kristendomsundervisning.
Programnummer: 67428
Programlængde: 37:52
Sprognavn: Karamojong
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1. Akiteyenunet [Introduktion]
2. Pic 1 → Abu Akal Toyem Alo Ron [Billede 1. A Family Flees from Famine]
3. Pic 2 → Apotu Naumee Ka Rus Tobogosi Isirael [Billede 2. Naomi and Rut Return to Israel]
4. Pic 3 → Rus Nakilem Alomanikwar [Billede 3. Rut in The Harvest Field]
5. Pic 4 → Rus Ka Boas Nalos [Billede 4. Rut and Boaz at the Threshing Floor]
6. Pic 5 → Boas Ka Ngikasikou A Betelem [Billede 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem]
7. Pic 6 → Maria Ka Emalaika Ka Akuj [Billede 6. Mary and the Angel of God]
8. Pic 7 → Kilipm Ana Neni Ka Akuj [Billede 7. Hannah Prays to God]
9. Pic 8 → Ikoku Samuel Alokai Ka Akuj [Billede 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God]
10. Pic 9 → Kilip Samuel Nguma Isirael [Billede 9. Samuel Prays for Israel]
11. Pic 10 → Kiyoyoo Samuel Saul Kakimyet [Billede 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil]
12. Pic 11 → Tocil Saul Elou Samuel [Billede 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe]
13. Pic 12 → Yesu Alokai Ka Akuj [Billede 12. Jesus in the House of God]
14. Akiteyenunet [Introduktion]
15. Pic 13 → Daudi Ekeyokon Lotitiny [Billede 13. David, The Brave Shepherd]
16. Pic 14 → Daudi Ka Ekaoyan [Billede 14. David and the Giant]
17. Pic 15 → Ekatakinit Saul Akiar Daudi [Billede 15. Saul Tries to Kill David]
18. Pic 16 → Kideu Daudi Akiar Saul [Billede 16. David Spares Saul's Life]
19. Pic 17 → Kitaraunia Daudi Erwosit [Billede 17. David is Made King]
20. Pic 18 → Daudi Ka Basiseba [Billede 18. David and Bathsheba]
21. Pic 19 → Akai Nguna Ka Akuj [Billede 19. A House for God]
22. Pic 20 → Bu Yesu Jerusalem [Billede 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem]
23. Pic 21 → Apotu Ngikweny Kitana Eliya [Billede 21. The Birds Feed Elijah]
24. Pic 22 → Eliya Ka Kim Ka Akuj [Billede 22. Elijah and the Fire of God]
25. Pic 23 → Tolot Eliya Nakuj [Billede 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven]
26. Pic 24 → Eliya Ka Yesu Ka Musa [Billede 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses]
Downloads og bestilling
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- Low-MP3 Audio ZIP (8.1MB)
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- MPEG4 Slideshow (61.5MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (14.1MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (4.7MB)
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