Matendo Ga Roho Mtakatifu [Se, lyt og lev 8 HELLIGÅNDS gerninger] - Digo
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Bog 8 i en audiovisuel serie med bibelhistorier om den unge kirke og Paulus. Til evangelisering, menighedsplantning og systematisk kristendomsundervisning.
Programnummer: 65923
Programlængde: 30:19
Sprognavn: Digo
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Downloads og bestilling
![Tangambere ♦ Yesu Anapaa Kuphiga Mlunguni [Introduktion ▪ Billede 1. Jesus Goes up to Heaven]](
1. Tangambere ♦ Yesu Anapaa Kuphiga Mlunguni [Introduktion ▪ Billede 1. Jesus Goes up to Heaven]
![Roho Mtatakatifu Audza Na Moho [Billede 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire]](
2. Roho Mtatakatifu Audza Na Moho [Billede 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire]
![Petero Anahubiria Atu [Billede 3. Peter Preaches to the People]](
3. Petero Anahubiria Atu [Billede 3. Peter Preaches to the People]
![Jamii Ya Kanisa [Billede 4. The Church Family]](
4. Jamii Ya Kanisa [Billede 4. The Church Family]
![Mchiya Chiwete Anaphozwa [Billede 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed]](
5. Mchiya Chiwete Anaphozwa [Billede 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed]
![Petero Na Mchetu Wa Hanzo [Billede 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied]](
6. Petero Na Mchetu Wa Hanzo [Billede 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied]
![Kuolagwa Kwa Stepano [Billede 7. Stephen is Killed]](
7. Kuolagwa Kwa Stepano [Billede 7. Stephen is Killed]
![Msafiri Wa Chi Ethiopia [Billede 8. The Ethiopian Traveller]](
8. Msafiri Wa Chi Ethiopia [Billede 8. The Ethiopian Traveller]
![Maono Ya Petero Kuhusu Anyama [Billede 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals]](
9. Maono Ya Petero Kuhusu Anyama [Billede 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals]
![Aromi Na Petero [Billede 10. Peter and the Romerne]](
10. Aromi Na Petero [Billede 10. Peter and the Romerne]
![Petero Anatiwa Jela [Billede 11. Peter in Prison]](
11. Petero Anatiwa Jela [Billede 11. Peter in Prison]
![Petero Na Ayae [Billede 12. Peter and His Friends]](
12. Petero Na Ayae [Billede 12. Peter and His Friends]
![Tangambere ♦ Sauti Na Mwangaza Kula Mlunguni [Introduktion to Part 2 ▪ Billede 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven]](
13. Tangambere ♦ Sauti Na Mwangaza Kula Mlunguni [Introduktion to Part 2 ▪ Billede 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven]
![Paulo Chipofu Na Anania [Billede 14. Blind Paul and Ananias]](
14. Paulo Chipofu Na Anania [Billede 14. Blind Paul and Ananias]
![Kanisa Rinamvagera Paulo Na Barnaba [Billede 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas]](
15. Kanisa Rinamvagera Paulo Na Barnaba [Billede 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas]
![Paulo Anahubiri Kuhusu Yesu [Billede 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus]](
16. Paulo Anahubiri Kuhusu Yesu [Billede 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus]
![Maono Ya Paulo Kuhusu Mutu [Billede 17. Paul's Vision of the Man]](
17. Maono Ya Paulo Kuhusu Mutu [Billede 17. Paul's Vision of the Man]
![Paulo na Sila Kwenye Tetemeko La Ardhi [Billede 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake]](
18. Paulo na Sila Kwenye Tetemeko La Ardhi [Billede 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake]
![Paulo Na Madhabahu Ya Mlungu Asiyemanyikana [Billede 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God]](
19. Paulo Na Madhabahu Ya Mlungu Asiyemanyikana [Billede 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God]
![Paulo Anashtakiwa Kotini [Billede 20. Paul is Taken to Court]](
20. Paulo Anashtakiwa Kotini [Billede 20. Paul is Taken to Court]
![Paulo Anaphonyoswa Kula Kwa Ahayudi Na Askari [Billede 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews]](
21. Paulo Anaphonyoswa Kula Kwa Ahayudi Na Askari [Billede 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews]
![Paulo Anahubiria Afalme [Billede 22. Paul Preaches to Kings]](
22. Paulo Anahubiria Afalme [Billede 22. Paul Preaches to Kings]
![Dau Rinavunzika [Billede 23. The Shipwreck]](
23. Dau Rinavunzika [Billede 23. The Shipwreck]
![Paulo Ni Mfungwa In'tsini Roma [Billede 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome]](
24. Paulo Ni Mfungwa In'tsini Roma [Billede 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome]
Downloads og bestilling
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (28.6MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (7.3MB)
- Download M3U afspilningsliste
- MP4 Slideshow (54.9MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (13.8MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (4.1MB)
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