: Bahasa Indonesia
: ind
: ISO Language
: Verified
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IETF Language Tag: id

Malay (macrolanguage) Bahasa Indonesia - The Lost Son.mp3

Audio recordings available in Bahasa Indonesia

(in Bakambai)
w/ INDONESIAN (in Bamayo)
(in Basap)
1 (in Biak)
Audio-Visual Chants (in Ekari)
(in Embaloh)
(in Kalumpang)
(in Kenyah: Lepo' Tau)
(in Lawangan: Bawu)
1-40 (in Mai Brat Group)
2 (in Moma)
Heart of Man & Christmas Story (in Ot Danum: Ambalau)
(in Purak)
2 (in Rampi)
(in Sasak)
2 (in Toraja)
(in Wemale)
(in Yawa)
(in Yawa)

Bahasa Indonesia

God's Powerful Saviour - Indonesian - Readings from the Gospel of Luke - (Audio Treasure)
God's Story Audiovisual - Bahasa Indonesian - (God's Story)
Gospel of John - Alkitab Terjemahan Baru - (The Lumo Project)
Hymns - Indonesian - (NetHymnal)
Jalan ke Surga Telah Rata - The Way of Righteousness - Indonesian - (Rock International)
Jesus Film Project films - Indonesian (Isa) - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - Indonesian (Yesus) - (Jesus Film Project)
RAJA KEMULIAAN • Indonesian - (Rock International)
Renewal of All Things - Bahasa Indonesian - (WGS Ministries)
Shellabear - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
Study the Bible - (ThirdMill)
The Bible - Bahasa Indonesian - Alkitab Audio - (Wordproject)
The Hope Video - Bahasa Indonesian - (Mars Hill Productions)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Indonesian - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - Indonesian - Indonesian New Translation (formal) Version, 1974 - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Indonesian - Shellabear Version - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Indonesian - Terjemahan Sederhana Indonesia (Plain Indonesian Translation) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The Prophets' Story - Bahasa Indonesia & Malaysia - (The Prophets' Story)
Who is God? - Bahasa - (Who Is God?)
Who is God? - Indonesian - (Who Is God?)

Indonesian (ISO sprognavn)

Saudi Arabia
United States of America

Indonesian ▪ Jew, Indonesian Speaking

: Close to Malay; Animist., Buddhist , Hindu, Roman Catholic, Protestant; Bible.

: 23,200,480

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