: French: Franco-Terreneuvien
: French [fra]
: Verified
: 24908
IETF Language Tag: fr-x-HIS24908
: 24908
Audio recordings available in French: Franco-Terreneuvien
Recordings in related languages
God's Story Video and Audio - French - (God's Story)
Hymns - French - (NetHymnal)
Jesus Film Project films - French - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - French, African - (Jesus Film Project)
La Bible Du Semeur - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
La Bible Du Semeur - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
Le Chemin de la Justice - French - The Way of Righteousness - (Rock International)
Renewal of All Things - French - (WGS Ministries)
ROI de GLOIRE - (Rock International)
Study the Bible - (ThirdMill)
The Bible - French - (Bib Voice)
The Bible - French - Bible audio - (Wordproject)
The gospels - Parole de Vie - (The Lumo Project)
The Hope Video - Français (French) - (Mars Hill Productions)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - French - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - French (Parole de Vie - African) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - French (Parole de Vie - Canadian) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The Promise - Bible Stories - French West Africa - (Story Runners)
The Prophets' Story - Français - (The Prophets' Story)
Thru the Bible French Podcast - (Thru The Bible)
Who is God? - French - (Who Is God?)
- French (ISO Language)
- French: Franco-Terreneuvien
- French: Acadian
- French: Africa
- French: Angevin
- French: Berrichon
- French: Bourbonnais
- French: Bourguignon
- French: Canadian
- French: Franc-Comtois
- French: Franco-Manitoban
- French: Franco-Ontarien
- French: Gallo
- French: Gitan
- French: Lorraine
- French: Norman
- French: Nouchi
- French: Poitevin
- French: Québécois
- French: Saintongeais
- French: Shippagan
- French: Sous le Vent
- French: Toulouse
- Lorraine Franconian