TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ - Limba, West-Central: Western

Je tato nahrávka užitecná?

Biblické lekce o živote a službe Ježíše Krista. Každý používá výber 8-12 obrázku z vetší série obrázku Živý Kristus 120.

Císlo programu: 67867
Délka programu: 15:26
Název jazyka: Limba, West-Central: Western

Stahování a objednávání

The Death of Christ; Úvod


1. The Death of Christ; Úvod

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 58 (The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ)


2. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 58 (The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 90 (Parable of the Wicked Tenants)


3. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 90 (Parable of the Wicked Tenants)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 97 (Jesus Anointed at Bethany)


4. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 97 (Jesus Anointed at Bethany)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 98 (Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus)


5. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 98 (Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 100 (Teaching at the Last Supper)


6. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 100 (Teaching at the Last Supper)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 102 (Jesus Prays in Gethsemane)


7. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 102 (Jesus Prays in Gethsemane)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 103 (Jesus Arrested)


8. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 103 (Jesus Arrested)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 104 (Jesus Tried Before the High Priest)


9. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 104 (Jesus Tried Before the High Priest)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 106 (Jesus Tried Before Pilate)


10. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 106 (Jesus Tried Before Pilate)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 107 (Jesus Led Out to be Crucified)


11. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 107 (Jesus Led Out to be Crucified)

The Death of Christ; Obrázek 108 (The Crucifixion)


12. The Death of Christ; Obrázek 108 (The Crucifixion)

The Death of Christ; Záver


13. The Death of Christ; Záver

Stahování a objednávání

Tyto nahrávky jsou určeny pro evangelizaci a základní biblické vyučování, aby přinesly poselství evangelia lidem, kteří nejsou gramotní nebo pocházejí z ústní kultury, zejména dosud nedosažené skupiny lidí.

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"The Living Christ" audio-visual - This comprehensive audio visual uses 120 pictures to give a more in depth view of the life and ministry of Jesus.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 1: Sharing the Gospel made easy - This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways the GRN audio visual resources can be used in ministry.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 2: Going Deeper - This article gives further explanation of how people learn from the stories, and why the stories do not have a lot of commentary.

The GRN Audio Library - Evangelistic and basic Bible teaching material appropriate to the people's need and culture in a variety of styles and formats.

Choosing the audio or video format to download - What audio and video file formats are available from GRN, and which one is best to use?

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Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach