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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.
Els scripts són pautes bàsiques per a la traducció i l'enregistrament a altres idiomes. S'han d'adaptar segons sigui necessari perquè siguin comprensibles i rellevants per a cada cultura i llengua diferents. Alguns termes i conceptes utilitzats poden necessitar més explicació o fins i tot substituir-se o ometre completament.
Scripts in Roglai, Southern
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 1
(Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD) - Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This is a Simple, Long version.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 2
(Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD) - Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 3
(Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD) - Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 4
(Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD) - Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 5
(Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD) - Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 6
(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 7
(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Laq hmơq & hadiuq 8
(Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT) - The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.