Burkina Faso

Informació sobre Burkina Faso

Region: Àfrica
Capital: Ouagadougou
Population: 23,252,000
Area (sq km): 274,200
FIPS Country Code: UV
ISO Country Code: BF
GRN Office: GRN Burkina Faso

About Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country of the Sahel in West Africa.

Over 80% of the population relies on subsistence agriculture.

It has been independent of France since 1960.

People Groups: Gur-Voltaic (48 groups) (70%), Mande peoples (15%), West Atlantic (11%), Other African (4%), Non-Africans (0.2%).


The official language is French, spoken by 10% of the population.

Trade languages - Moore and Jula in the south.

Of all the languages of the country, only 6 have a complete Bible, and 11 have the New Testament.

The literacy rate is 14%.

Religions: Muslim (50%), Traditional religion (30%), Christian (18%).

Map of Burkina Faso

Map of Burkina Faso

Idiomes i dialectes parlats a Burkina Faso

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S'han trobat 90 noms d'idiomes

Bissa: Barka [Burkina Faso] [bib]

Bissa: Lebir [Burkina Faso] [bib]

Ble [Komoé] - ISO Language [bxl]

Bobo Fing: Santidougou [Burkina Faso] [bwq]

Bobo Madare, Southern [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [bwq]

Bobo Madare, Southern: Sogokire [Burkina Faso] [bwq]

Bobo Madare, Southern: Vore [Burkina Faso] [bwq]

Bobo Madre, Southern: Benge [Houé] [bwq]

Bolon [Kénédougou] - ISO Language [bof]

Busande [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [bib]

Bwamu [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [box]

Bwamu, Laa Laa [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [bwj]

Cerma [Komoé] - ISO Language [cme]

Dagaari Dioula [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [dgd]

Dagara: Wile [Burkina Faso] [dgi]

Dagari: Lawra [Burkina Faso] [dgi]

Dioula [Komoé] - ISO Language [dyu]

Djan [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [dya]

Doghosie [Komoé] - ISO Language [dos]

Dogose: Klamaasise [Burkina Faso] [dos]

Dogose: Lutise [Burkina Faso] [dos]

Dogose: Mesise [Burkina Faso] [dos]

Dogose: Sukurase [Burkina Faso] [dos]

Dzùùngoo [Kénédougou] - ISO Language [dnn]

French [France] - ISO Language [fra]

French: Africa [Congo, Democratic Republic of] [fra]

Fulfulde: Barani [Houé] [fuh]

Fulfulde: Gourmantche [fuh]

Fulfulde: Jelgoore [Burkina Faso] [fuh]

Fulfulde: Liptaako [Sèno] [fuh]

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Barkoundouba [fuh]

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogande [fuh]

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Fada Ngurma [fuh]

Gan [Poni] - ISO Language [gna]

Gouin [Burkina Faso] [cme]

Gourma: Central [Benin, Alibori] [gux]

Gourma: Northern [Burkina Faso] [gux]

Gourma: Southern [Burkina Faso] [gux]

Jula: Kong [Komoé] [dyu]

Kalamse: Loroni [Sourou] [knz]

Karaboro, Eastern [Komoé] - ISO Language [xrb]

Karaboro, Western [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [kza]

Kasem [Ghana, Upper East] - ISO Language [xsm]

Khe [Komoé] - ISO Language [kqg]

Khisa [Côte d'Ivoire, Zanza] - ISO Language [kqm]

Ko [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [kst]

Koromfé [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [kfz]

Kpatogo [Bougouriba] [gna]

Lobi [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [lob]

Lyele [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [lee]

Maraka [Burkina Faso] [rkm]

Moore [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [mos]

Moore: Yana [Gourma] [mos]

Moore: Zaore [Burkina Faso] [mos]

Natioro: Ginaourou [Burkina Faso] [nti]

Natuoro [Komoé] [nti]

Ngmalba [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [bfo]

Ninisi [Burkina Faso] [sym]

Northern Dagara [Burkina Faso] [dgi]

Noumou [Komoé] [lig]

Nuni [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [nnw]

Pana [Burkina Faso] [Sourou] - ISO Language [pnq]

Pougouli [Bougouriba] - ISO Language [pug]

Samoga [Burkina Faso] [sos]

Samogho: Dyanka [Burkina Faso] [dnn]

Samogho, Maya [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [sym]

Samogho: Nyanakan [Burkina Faso] [dnn]

Samo, Matya [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [stj]

Samo, Southern [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [sbd]

Sembla [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [sos]

Senoufo, Nanerige [Kénédougou] - ISO Language [sen]

Senoufo, Sicite [Kossi] - ISO Language [sep]

Siamou [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [sif]

Siamou: Landougou [Burkina Faso] [sif]

Sininkere [Sanmatenga] - ISO Language [skq]

Sissala [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [sld]

Songhay [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [hmb]

Songhay: Maranse [Sanmatenga] [hmb]

Tiefo [Komoé] - ISO Language [tiq]

Toussian, Northern [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [tsp]

Toussian, Southern [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [wib]

Turka [Komoé] - ISO Language [tuz]

Turka: Douna [Burkina Faso] [tuz]

Vigue [Houé] - ISO Language [vig]

Wara [Burkina Faso] - ISO Language [wbf]

Wara: Faniagara [Burkina Faso] [wbf]

Wara: Negueni-Klani [Burkina Faso] [wbf]

Wara: Ouatourou-Niasogoni [Burkina Faso] [wbf]

Wara: Soulani [Burkina Faso] [wbf]

Wuniahebe [Burkina Faso]

Grups de persones a Burkina Faso

Algerian, Arabic-speaking ▪ Bambara ▪ Bariba ▪ Biali ▪ Birifor, Northern ▪ Bissa ▪ Ble, Jalkunan ▪ Bobo Fing ▪ Bobo Madare ▪ Bolon ▪ Bozo, Tieyaxo ▪ Buamu ▪ Bwamu, Laa Laa ▪ Bwamu, Twi ▪ Dagaari Dioula, Wala ▪ Dagara ▪ Deaf ▪ Dioula ▪ Dogon, Tomo Kan ▪ Dogose, Doghosie ▪ Dogoso ▪ Dyan ▪ Dzuun, Samogo ▪ English-Speaking, general ▪ Ewe ▪ Farefare ▪ French ▪ Fulani, Gorgal ▪ Fulani, Gurmanche ▪ Fulani, Jelgooji ▪ Fulani, Maasina ▪ Gouin, Cerma ▪ Gourma ▪ Hausa ▪ Jotoni, Jowulu ▪ Kaan, Gan ▪ Karaboro, Eastern ▪ Karaboro, Western ▪ Kasem ▪ Khe ▪ Khisa ▪ Kolsi, Ko, Winye ▪ Kpeego ▪ Kurumfe, Fulse ▪ Kusasi ▪ Lela, Lyele ▪ Lobi ▪ Maninka, Eastern ▪ Marka, Dafing ▪ Moba ▪ Mossi, Moore ▪ Natioro ▪ Nuna, Nouni ▪ Nuna, Nunuma ▪ Pana, Sama ▪ Pwo ▪ Red Bobo, Bwa ▪ Samo, Kalemse, Samoma ▪ Samo, Maya, Sanan-Bangassogo ▪ Samo, Northwestern, Samo Matya ▪ Samo Southern, Sanan-Toma ▪ Seemogo ▪ Senoufo, Central ▪ Senoufo, Nanerige ▪ Senoufo, Niangolo ▪ Siamou ▪ Sininkere ▪ Sissala ▪ Songhai-Humburi Senni ▪ Tenbo, Loron ▪ Tiefo ▪ Toussian, Northern ▪ Toussian, Southern ▪ Tuareg, Tamasheq ▪ Turka ▪ Vige, Viemo ▪ Wara ▪ Yoruba ▪ Zerma, Dyerma

Notícies sobre Burkina Faso

GRN Burkina Faso - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso: Biblical education in Soukola in the Moore language - A visit to Burkina Faso connects GRN's Moore language recordings to the people in Soukola.

Burkina Faso: they remember the stories! - GRN Picture books: I couldn't have done what I have done without them . . .

The Land of Upright People - Pastor Jacques Nignan reports that outreach programs run in partnership with other churches and missions resulted in over 700 people coming to faith in Christ. Here are some stories and testimonies from Burkina Faso.

Bible Stories - Down through the centuries, storytelling has been a most effective way to communicate.