Informació sobre Nauru
Region: Oceania
Capital: Yaren
Population: 13,000
Area (sq km): 21
FIPS Country Code: NR
ISO Country Code: NR
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Oceania
Map of Nauru
Idiomes i dialectes parlats a Nauru
S'han trobat 3 noms d'idiomes
Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - ISO Language [yue]
English: USA [United States of America] [eng]
Nauruan - ISO Language [nau]
Grups de persones a Nauru
Anglo-Australian ▪ Han Chinese, Cantonese ▪ Kiribertese ▪ Kosraen ▪ Marshallese ▪ Nauruan ▪ Tuvaluan