Guinea Equatorial

Informació sobre Guinea Equatorial

Region: Àfrica
Capital: Malabo
Population: 1,715,000
Area (sq km): 28,051
FIPS Country Code: EK
ISO Country Code: GQ
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Africa

Map of Guinea Equatorial

Map of Guinea Equatorial

Idiomes i dialectes parlats a Guinea Equatorial

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S'han trobat 8 noms d'idiomes

Batanga [Equatorial Guinea] - ISO Language [bnm]

Bube [Equatorial Guinea] - ISO Language [bvb]

Equatorial Guinean Pidgin - ISO Language [fpe]

Fa d'Ambu [Equatorial Guinea] - ISO Language [fab]

Fang [Gabon] - ISO Language [fan]

Fang: Ntumu [Gabon, Estuaire] [fan]

Portuguese [Portugal] - ISO Language [por]

Spanish: Castellano [Spain] [spa]

Grups de persones a Guinea Equatorial

Balengue ▪ Batangan ▪ Benga ▪ Bube ▪ Coloured ▪ Deaf ▪ Fa D'ambu ▪ Fang ▪ Fernandino Creole ▪ French ▪ Hausa ▪ Ibibio ▪ Igbo ▪ Krio ▪ Ngumba ▪ Ngumbi ▪ Seki ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Yasa ▪ Yoruba