Les Bahames

Informació sobre Les Bahames

Region: Les Amèriques
Capital: NASSAU
Population: 413,000
Area (sq km): 13,939
FIPS Country Code: BF
ISO Country Code: BS
GRN Office: GRN Offices in the Americas

Map of Les Bahames

Map of Les Bahames

Idiomes i dialectes parlats a Les Bahames

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S'han trobat 2 noms d'idiomes

Bahamas English Creole [Bahamas, The] - ISO Language [bah]

English: USA [United States of America] [eng]

Grups de persones a Les Bahames

Afro-Bahamian ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Bahamian ▪ British ▪ Chinese, general ▪ Deaf ▪ Greek ▪ Haitian ▪ Jamaicans ▪ Jew, English Speaking