Are You Afraid?
Контур: Introduction is on local fears. Questions directed to listener. Explains freedom from fear through Jesus. Mentions His miracles, power, willingness to help and save, deliver and protect. His power is greater than demons, witchdoctors, curses. Jesus overcame Satan and death. When He arose from the dead He received from God all power. Therefore He will give eternal life to all who believe in Him and they will be free.
Номер на скрипта: 256
език: English
Тема: Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism); Living as a Christian (Joy, happiness, rejoicing, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Heaven, Eternal / everlasting life); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Fear); Sin and Satan (Separation from sin, Deliverance)
Публика: Animist
стил: Monolog
Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac
Предназначение: Evangelism
Библейски цитат: Paraphrase
Статус: Approved
Сценариите са основни насоки за превод и запис на други езици. Те трябва да бъдат адаптирани, ако е необходимо, за да станат разбираеми и подходящи за всяка различна култура и език. Някои използвани термини и понятия може да се нуждаят от повече обяснения или дори да бъдат заменени или пропуснати напълно.
Текст на сценария
(Start with shouts of fear)
Are you afraid? Are you afraid of the darkness? Are you afraid to die? Do you fear evil spirits? Satan? The owl? Do you want fear to leave you forever? Then listen. I have wonderful news for you.
You do not need to fear death. (Pause 5 sec. for wailing)
They are wailing because of death. Here is the good news that I have for you. Jesus died for you. Then He came back from the place of death and is now alive. And if you leave your sin and trust Him, someday He will take you to heaven, where He is now.
Are you afraid of darkness? Jesus came and died that you might not go to that place of eternal darkness after you die. God says ALL WHO DO NOT RECEIVE HIS SON AS THEIR SAVIOUR will go to the place of eternal darkness and fire. There will be great wailing in that place. (Wailing 3 sec.)
If you follow Jesus, He will take from you the fear of evil spirits. But you must leave your sin. You must refuse evil dances, drinking, sorcery, witchcraft, adultery, and all other evil things. Then if you follow Jesus with all your heart, He will guard you from these evil spirits. When you hear the owl (Pause 3 sec. for owl) you do not need to fear, for Jesus is with you to protect you.
*Do you still offer food to Satan, or build him a house, or keep sticks in the ground for him? It is impossible to serve Satan and God. If you truly believe in Jesus, you do not need to fear Satan. When Jesus died and rose again, He broke the power of Satan. When we follow Jesus, we follow One Who has all power - power over death, over darkness, evil spirits, and Satan.
Now, my friend, receive Jesus and you will go to that wonderful place, heaven, to live forever and ever after you die. There is nothing bad up there, and nothing to fear. There is only joy forever and ever.
Would you not like to receive Jesus and go to that place of joy? You may talk to Him now. He will hear you.
*Note: Refer only to local practices.