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Rob is the Global Information Systems Team Coordinator (GISTC) based in Australia.
The Global Information Systems Team (GIST) provides information systems solutions to support GRN's international functions.
The work of the GIST is to:
- Understand GRN's core ministry functions and priorities
- Identify opportunities for technology to assist in those areas
- Liaise with GRN global and local leadership
- Put in place infrastructure to accomodate a range of systems and applications
- Implement off-the-shelf systems for generic processes and functions
- Develop custom software for GRN-specific ministry functions
- Provide training and support in the use of these systems
The GIST is a virtual team, spread across multiple locations and GRN offices.
The role of the GIST Coordinator is to coordinate the efforts of the whole team to:
- Make the most use of limited resources
- Ensure that priority is given to the most important areas of ministry
- Avoid any duplication of effort
For more information, or to get help, or offer to help, contact Information Systems Support.