Global Recordings Network's Ishmael Project

Global Recordings Network's Ishmael Project

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From the Global Prayer Digest, 31 January 2006 but still relevant and active today.

"GRN's Ishmael Project is specifically aimed at getting the gospel message to unreached Muslim groups, including the nomadic tribes we have prayed for this month."

It's quiet and the air is still. Stars are twinkling in the sky, and the moon hovers over a nearby mountain. A few camels are pawing the ground before going to sleep. Roshan pulls out a cassette player, and tells the others, "Someone gave me a new cassette today, and it's in our language. Let's listen to it." The group of nomads listens to a story about Isa. The cassette tells how he opened the eyes of the blind, drove out demons and even raised the dead. Roshan's oldest son begins to snicker, until she says, "Isa was a great prophet! This must have happened." By the time the tape is over, the extended family is still quiet, thinking about the meaning of what they have just heard.

While this story is but imagined, it could well have happened among any nomadic people. In the book on which this issue is based, "Peoples on the Move," the author mentions a nomadic group that has a body of believers who come together to hear cassettes from Global Recordings Network (GRN). GRN's Ishmael Project is specifically aimed at getting the gospel message to unreached Muslim groups, including the nomadic tribes we prayed for this month. Will you pray for their efforts?

Pray that every unreached nomadic group will soon have its own recording. Pray that these cassettes will get into the hands and hearts of these nomadic peoples. -KC

Свързана информация

Global News - Latest news about the ministry and resources of the Global Recordings Network from around the world.

The Ishmael Project - The Ishmael Project is working in partnership with local believers and churches to take the good news to the Arab world, across barriers of culture, prejudice, ignorance, fear, literacy and language.