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Does your church reach out to members of your community from a non English speaking background? If so, why not pass on a link to our materials? Many love to listen to recordings in their own heart language.
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not HEARD?" (Rom 10:14) NIV
Global Recordings Network's audio resources are used all over the world by enterprising evangelists, like Ian of ECM, who has been giving them out to sailors at the Port of Melbourne for many years. Ian's ship ministry is an example of the way our ministry resources can be used for evangelism and discipleship within Australia.
The Highland Chief
The Highland Chief, and many ships like it regularly visit Melbourne's port. On board are seafarers from China, Philippines, PNG and Ukraine. Half of these men have their own laptop computers that can play CDs. And all of them can access CD players while at sea.
Ian visits the ship when it's in port and distributes GRN CDs to the sailors in their heart languages. English is the trade language of the sea, however many Biblical words and expressions in English can mean little to them, so the sailors appreciate receiving the gospel materials in their own language. While the life of a merchant seafarer is very busy, there is time to listen to CDs. The familiar tongue from home makes the CDs a very effective tool for evangelism.
Vanghele - is a Romanian electrician. Coming from Romania he had a veneer of religion, but no understanding of the gospel. He was delighted to receive a Bible in his own language and also GRN Does your church reach out to members of your community from a non English speaking background? If so, why not pass on a link to our materials? Many love to listen to recordings in their own heart language.
CDs which explained the gospel. Vanghele later had to sign off his ship before his contract ended due to sickness in his family. He was then able to take home the CDs to his family, to bring them a message of eternal hope in their time of need.
Harold is a seaman from the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. He is a Christian, but does not have much time to attend church in a port. So when a Tawala CD with gospel songs was given to him he was delighted. Such a CD helps Christian seamen have a time of worship, even in the isolation of their cabins. Harold, who lives on Wari Island passed his CD on to a church youth group on his Island and now they also constantly listen to the songs and use the CD for worship. Harold now regularly takes the CDs home to family, friends and church members.
Stanley is a seaman from Papua New Guinea and works on the Highland Chief. He is a Christian who is concerned for the spiritual welfare of his family and village in the Milne Bay Province. He has taken CDs in Dobu, Tube Tube and Tawala to help others in his village understand the gospel. Through the GRN materials he has now become a missionary to his own people.
Please pray with us for:
- Harold, Stanley and Christians like them who are able to use our materials for evangelism to their own communities.
- For the salvation of Vanghele and others like him who are hearing the gospel through Ian's ministry.
- Opportunities for others to use our materials for evangelism in their own communities.