"The Living Christ" audio-visual

"The Living Christ" audio-visual

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The Living Christ series of Bible pictures illustrates the Life of Christ, from Creation to His second coming. It is particularly suited to bring the Gospel message and basic Christian teaching to oral communicators. The pictures are clear and brightly coloured to attract those who may not be used to visual teaching presentations.

Audio Recordings

Available in dozens of languages, the recordings and are designed to be played along with the pictures. Playback may be paused from time to time to give opportunity for questions, discussion and further explanations as necessary.

The recordings have been made, where possible, using mother tongue speakers with clear voices who are respected in the local community. Local music and songs are sometimes added between pictures. Various checking techniques are used to ensure the accuracy of translation and communication.

The recordings are available in MP3 format for downloading, and also CD and/or cassette format. (Not all formats are available in all every language.)

Printed Materials

The Picture Set

There are 120 loose leaf colour pictures A4 size (300mm x 215mm or 12" x 8.5") which will fit into any 2, 3 or 4 ring binder. The set comes with a complete overview script in simple English. Also included is a set of short scripts, which feature selected topics on the life of Christ, for example the miracles of Jesus, which are useful for teaching in many situations.

Written scripts

The full script is available online in simple language.

There are also twenty short thematic Lessons, each of which use a selection of pictures:

  1. The Birth of Christ
  2. The Death of Christ
  3. The Resurrection of Christ
  4. The Living Christ Will Return
  5. The Living Christ Seeks Lost People
  6. The Living Christ is Stronger than Death
  7. Christ's Victory over Satan
  8. Christ Our Good Shepherd
  9. Christ Teaches about Prayer
  10. The Light of the World
  11. How Can We Please God
  12. The Living Christ and Forgiveness
  13. The Living Christ and the Word of God - Part 1
  14. The Living Christ and the Word of God - Part 2
  15. The Living Christ Shows how God Cares for us
  16. Who Is Jesus? - Part 1
  17. Who Is Jesus? - Part 2
  18. The Living Christ Shows the Way to Heaven
  19. Growing in the Christian Life
  20. The Living Christ Teaches about Salvation

All these scripts are a basic guideline for translation and recording in other languages. They should be adapted to suit the language, culture and thought patterns of the people. Some terms and concepts used may need a fuller explanation or even be omitted in different cultures. Appropriate local stories and applications may be added to the scripts to better illustrate the basic teaching of each picture-story.

Bible Picture Pack

The GRN Bible Picture Pack, available for download or on CD, contains all the pictures from "The Living Christ" as well as the "Good News" and "Look, Listen & Live" picture series. The images are in high resolution black & white TIFF files for printing (up to A4 size at 300 DPI), and medium resolution colour JPEG files for computer display (at 900x600 pixels) or printing (up to A7 size at 300 DPI). Scripts and other resources are also on the CD.

Звязаная інфармацыя

Ordering Information - How to purchase recordings, players and other resources from Global Recordings Network.

Audio and Audio-Visual Materials - A wide range of culturally appropriate resources in 6531 language varieties, particularly suited for oral communicators.

Bible-based Bridge Materials - Audio-visual bridge materials help to create a visual frame of reference

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

The Living Christ in Standard Arabic - Help GRN translate and record The Living Christ in standard Arabic for refugees in Europe

Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach