The True Light Now Shines

The True Light Now Shines

План: God is the Creator and made things good. Satan deceives men. Jesus died for us, to become our sacrifice. Which road will we follow? Come to Jesus.

Нумар сцэнарыя: 409

мова: English

Тэма: Sin and Satan (Light/Darkness, Satan (the devil)); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute)

Аўдыторыя: Animist

стыль: Monolog

Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac

Прызначэнне: Evangelism

Біблейская цытата: Extensive

Статус: Approved

Скрыпты - гэта асноўныя рэкамендацыі для перакладу і запісу на іншыя мовы. Яны павінны быць адаптаваны па меры неабходнасці, каб зрабіць іх зразумелымі і актуальнымі для кожнай культуры і мовы. Некаторыя выкарыстаныя тэрміны і паняцці могуць мець патрэбу ў дадатковых тлумачэннях або нават быць замененымі або цалкам апушчанымі.

Тэкст сцэнара

Men, women, listen! For a long time we have listened to the stories of the fathers. We have kept our laws. We have been afraid of the devils too. We wailed when our friends died. We did not know God. Now God has sent a message to us. He is calling us to Himself. He is saying, "Come, and we will talk together." Who is God? God made the earth and sky. God made fire and water. God made all trees and animals, the sun, moon and stars. God made man and woman. God made all spirits. God always lives. He made all things. God is the Father of all things.

God has shown this to us. In the beginning, all things were good. Afterwards, one spirit became proud (or jealous). He turned against God. Many other spirits followed this one. He became a devil. His name is Satan. Satan is always fighting against God. God is good and true. This devil is wicked. He is a liar. He came down to earth. He tricked (or deceived) man. Satan is still tricking man. He will snatch away God's Word from you, listen carefully. Hide God's Word in your heart (God's message).

God said to man, "Keep my law. If you break my law you will die." Satan said to man, "You will not die." Satan always tells lies. Man listened to Satan. Man broke God's law. God said, "All have sinned. All have broken My law. All are bad." Truly, we have all broken God's law. God is always right and true. He is always good. We are bad. We must die.

Listen! God is loving. He was sorry for us. He sent His own Son to earth. God's Son, named Jesus, became a human body (a man). He came to die for us. Jesus kept God's law. He was good. He did no evil. Afterwards He died for us. Why did Jesus die? God put our sins on Him. When God was punishing sin, Jesus became our sacrifice and died. After three days Jesus arose from the dead. He went back to heaven (above the sky). He lives forever. Jesus' good life became available for you. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." When we come to Jesus, He will give us life. He will give us His Spirit.

We did not know this before. We were afraid to die. We were walking in the darkness. Now God has given a great Light. This is everlasting life for your soul. Before we thought our road was good. Now God is showing us the true way. You cannot walk on two roads. If you reject Jesus your soul will be lost forever in the place of fire and darkness. That is where the old (before) road leads you. But God's road leads to life everlasting in God's good village above.

You must choose (or decide) which way you will go. Are you going back to the old road (or track of badness)? Will you come on to God's road? Which? The Lord Jesus Christ says to you, "Leave your sins and bad way of life. Follow me, and I will never leave you or forsake you. I will strengthen, help you and comfort you in this life. At death I will take you by the hand to My good village above. There you will live in great joy with Me forever."

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