God is Good
План: God is good; is greater than all, the Creator of all. God's standards for us. What sin is (listed). Christ's atonement. Necessity of belief and obedience. Resulting freedom from fear; light, happiness.
Нумар сцэнарыя: 036
мова: English
Тэма: Sin and Satan (Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men); Eternal life (Salvation); Living as a Christian (New Nature, Obedience); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Fear, Alcohol)
Аўдыторыя: Animist
стыль: Monolog
Жанр: Exhortation
Прызначэнне: Evangelism
Біблейская цытата: None
Статус: Approved
Скрыпты - гэта асноўныя рэкамендацыі для перакладу і запісу на іншыя мовы. Яны павінны быць адаптаваны па меры неабходнасці, каб зрабіць іх зразумелымі і актуальнымі для кожнай культуры і мовы. Некаторыя выкарыстаныя тэрміны і паняцці могуць мець патрэбу ў дадатковых тлумачэннях або нават быць замененымі або цалкам апушчанымі.
Тэкст сцэнара
For many years our fathers have lived in (this country). Some of their ways were good, and some were bad. Many of our customs which we follow now, we do because we fear evil spirits. Our fathers feared them and we fear them. We are afraid they will become angry with us and do us harm.
But we have not known about the Great Spirit Who is good and Who will help us. He is greater than all the bad spirits. He is God. He is good and He can make us good. He wants us all to be His children. He can show us the right way to live. He can take away our sins and give us good hearts.
Many things we think are good, but God says they are bad. His way is the right way. When we learn His words by listening to them from His Holy Book, the Bible, His words can teach us. His words show us what our sins are. Our sins separate us from God. He does not like us to tell lies, to kill, to steal, to drink, to be impure, or to hurt others. Sin makes our hearts hard (bad) and our villages dark. God loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth. Jesus became a man and lived among the people. One day people killed this Good One. But by dying, Jesus received the punishment for all our sins. Now God will forgive the sins of all who truly believe in Jesus and obey Him. Those people become the true friends of God. Turn to Jesus today. Ask Him to wash your sins away. Ask Him to let His words control (rule in) your heart. He will make you God's true child. Then you will have peace. Your heart will be happy.
Do not return to your sins again. Obey the words Jesus speaks to you. You will not fear evil spirits anymore. God's power will hold you. His love will fill your heart, and your village with His light. (Then you will be among those people who are bringing light to our country and to our villages.) Every day talk to Jesus as you talk to a friend. Let Him teach you to walk in His good way.