The Only Saviour

The Only Saviour

Kontur: Dramatized story of dying girl who finds no help or comfort in her belief in penance, works, prayers to saints. Her brother explains that Christ is the only mediator and the only way to heaven. Use with caution in Catholic areas.

Skript nömrəsi: 154

Dil: English

Mövzu: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men, Mediator); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Character of God (Love of God); Life event (Death); Problems (Sickness)

Tamaşaçılar: Catholic

Stil: Dialog

Janr: Messages and Fiction

Məqsəd: Evangelism

Müqəddəs Kitabdan Sitat: Extensive

Vəziyyət: Approved

Skriptlər digər dillərə tərcümə və qeyd üçün əsas təlimatlardır. Onlar hər bir fərqli mədəniyyət və dil üçün başa düşülən və uyğun olması üçün lazım olduqda uyğunlaşdırılmalıdır. İstifadə olunan bəzi terminlər və anlayışlar daha çox izahat tələb edə bilər və ya hətta dəyişdirilə və ya tamamilə buraxıla bilər.

Skript Mətni

Mary was getting weaker. Her illness had continued for a long time and her mother had been watching beside her bed anxiously trying to nurse her back to life.

Each morning her mother would ask, "My darling, are you feeling better today?" This morning Mary answered, "No, mother; I feel as if I am going to die soon."

"Don't say that, Mary," said her mother hopefully.

"Yes, I'm sure, came Mary's answer," and I am afraid. It all looks so dark."

"But you confessed your sins to the priest just last night, and you have been baptized and confirmed. Besides, you have been a good girl. You have gone to mass and said your prayers."

"I know, Mother, but I know I'm not ready to die. Brother and I have discussed this before. We have never felt that our sins were really forgiven - even after mass, and prayers, and doing penance."

(KNOCKING) "Who's there? Hello, brother! I'm so glad you have come."
"Dear sister, I have some wonderful news for you! I have found in this book, the Bible, so many good, good words that answer our questions about how we might have peace in our hearts and know that God accepts us and forgives our sins. Let me just read to you, Mary, some of the words of the Lord Jesus, Himself: 'Truly, truly, I say unto you, he that believes on Me has everlasting life. I have loved you with an everlasting love. And, Him that comes unto Me, I will in no wise cast out.'"

"Oh, brother", said Mary, "You are removing the thorns from my pillow."

"Yes, sister, the moment you rest your faith in Jesus Christ you are saved. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us! He is our only Mediator, our faithful High Priest. We come to Him directly, for He alone can forgive our sins. When we believe on Him and receive Him, His Blood cleanses us from all sin. The Apostle Peter says, 'There is no other Name given under Heaven by which we must be saved.'"

"I want to trust Him," replied Mary. "I know it is true, but I don't want to give up my saints. Can I keep them, too?"

"Sister, dear, Jesus says, 'No man comes unto the Father but by Me.' You must put your trust in Jesus alone. If you look to anything or anyone else to save you, He cannot help you."

"But I do want Him to save me. I will come. Dear Lord Jesus, take me in Your arms of love. I am so weary, so afraid. I believe You died for me, and that my sins are even now forgiven. Thank You, dear Jesus. I want to be with You forever. Mother, won't you give your heart to Jesus, too?"

References: John 16:36; Jeremiah 31:3; John 6:37; Galatians 3:13; Acts 4:12; John 14:6

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