Mahnılar w/ SISAALA: Gelibagili - Sisaala, Tumulung

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Xristian musiqisi, mahnıları və ya ilahilərinin topluları.

Proqram nömrəsi: 75086
Proqramın uzunluğu: 57:52
Dil adı: Sisaala, Tumulung

Yükləmələr və Sifariş

We Praise the Eternal God ▪ Let Us All Praise Him ▪ Jesus Saved Us ▪ The Yaxşı xəbər of Jesus Christ has Reached Us ▪ Our Heavenly Father will Listen to Our Namaz ▪ I am İsanın ardınca ▪ Everything is in the Lord's Hands ▪ The Azğın oğul ▪ Noah ▪ God Calls Us ▪ Call on His Name ▪ Bring Sickness or Worries to Jesus ▪ You Cannot Worship Idols and Follow Christ ▪ We have Put Everything in God's Hands ▪ Thank You Jesus


1. We Praise the Eternal God ▪ Let Us All Praise Him ▪ Jesus Saved Us ▪ The Yaxşı xəbər of Jesus Christ has Reached Us ▪ Our Heavenly Father will Listen to Our Namaz ▪ I am İsanın ardınca ▪ Everything is in the Lord's Hands ▪ The Azğın oğul ▪ Noah ▪ God Calls Us ▪ Call on His Name ▪ Bring Sickness or Worries to Jesus ▪ You Cannot Worship Idols and Follow Christ ▪ We have Put Everything in God's Hands ▪ Thank You Jesus

I Will Walk Proudly to Heaven Because Jesus Has Called Me ▪ God, In Everything Have Mercy On Us ▪ The All Compassionate God ▪ I Have Given My Everything to God ▪ All Creation Calls God's Name ▪ Jesus is the Lamb of God ▪ Let's Praise God - The All Powerful God ▪ Praise God Always for He is All Powerful ▪ Enemies Attempted to Kill Jesus, But He Lived Every Time ▪ God Calls All of us Together in the True Catholic Church


2. I Will Walk Proudly to Heaven Because Jesus Has Called Me ▪ God, In Everything Have Mercy On Us ▪ The All Compassionate God ▪ I Have Given My Everything to God ▪ All Creation Calls God's Name ▪ Jesus is the Lamb of God ▪ Let's Praise God - The All Powerful God ▪ Praise God Always for He is All Powerful ▪ Enemies Attempted to Kill Jesus, But He Lived Every Time ▪ God Calls All of us Together in the True Catholic Church (Sisaala: Gelibagili)

Qeyd haqqında qeydlər

Includes SISAALA: Gelibagili songs

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Copyright © 1990 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

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