: Mixtec, Tezoatlan: Yucunuti
: Mixtec, Tezoatlan [mxb]
: Verified
: 4778
IETF Language Tag: mxb-x-HIS04778
: 04778

Mixtec group of languages Mixteco de Tezoatlán Yucunuti - Noah.mp3

تسجيلات صوتية متاحة فى Mixtec, Tezoatlan: Yucunuti

Recordings in related languages

(in Mixteco de Tezoatlán)

Testimonio, Cantos y Mensajes [Testimonies and Messages] (in Mixteco de Tezoatlán)

Mixtec Diagnostic (in Mixtec group of languages)

Collections of short messages or samples in many different languages for the purpose of identifying what language someone speaks.

Mixtec, Tezoatlan: Yucunuti

Scripture resources - Mixtec, Tezoatlán - (Scripture Earth)
The New Testament - Mixteco de Tezoatlan (2006 Bible League International) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)

Mixteco de Yucunuti
Mixteco de Yucuñuti
Yucu Nuti
Yucunuti Mixtec


: MIXTECO, TEZOATLAN: Yucu Nuti (Ethnologue).