Solomon Becomes King

Solomon Becomes King

إستعراض: 1 Kings 1:1-2:12

رقم النص: 1314

لغة: English

الجماهير: General

فصيل: Bible Stories & Teac

الغرض: Evangelism; Teaching

نص من الإنجيل: Paraphrase

حالة: Approved

هذا النص هو دليل أساسى للترجمة والتسجيلات فى لغات مختلفة. و هو يجب ان يعدل ليتوائم مع اللغات و الثقافات المختلفة لكى ما تتناسب مع المنطقة التى يستعمل بها. قد تحتاج بعض المصطلحات والأفكار المستخدمة إلى شرح كامل أو قد يتم حذفها فى ثقافات مختلفة.


Title Ideas:The king who came after King David.Solomon becomes King over all Israel.

King David’s oldest sons became rebellious, which [that] made him sad. His second son Absalom even killed David’s first son.

Later, Absalom declared himself to be king and started a rebellion against David.

Joab, the commander of Israel’s army, killed Absalom in a battle, which [that] made David weep.

When David became very old and could no longer rule well, his third son, whose was named Adonijah, tried to become king. He would ride in a horse chariot accompanied by soldiers mounted on horses.

David’s Army commander [Joab] and an important priest joined with Adonijah. One day, Adonijah held a feast, and invited David’s other sons, but not Solomon, the son from [of/born to] David and Bathsheba

When the prophet Nathan heard about this, he went and warned David’s wife Bathsheba, saying, “Adonijah has declared himself [to be] king! You must tell David at once, lest [before] Adonijah kills you and your son Solomon!”

When Bathsheba went and informed King David, he said, “I will keep the promise I have made to you! Today, your son Solomon will be king!” So David called for the prophet Nathan and the priest Zadok [to come].

Then David made [had] Solomon ride on the king’s mule and go to the city’s [only] water spring. There the priest Zadok anointed [poured sacred olive oil from the tabernacle on] Solomon’s head to show that he was the new king over all Israel.

Next, men blew horns [trumpets] and the people shouted, “Long live King Solomon!” A crowd of people followed Solomon, making music and shouting joyfully.

While Adonijah and David’s other sons were eating their feast [meal], they heard the people shouting and celebrating.

A messenger soon came and said to the men, “David has made Solomon [to be] king!” This so frightened the men that they quickly returned to their own houses.

Adonijah was so afraid of what Solomon might do to him, that he ran to the tabernacle and grasped a corner of the holy altar. He pleaded [shouted], “King Solomon must promise that he will not kill me!”

So Solomon sent a messenger to lead Adonijah to him. Adonijah came and bowed down before Solomon. Solomon said to him, “Go to your house, and do not cause [make] any more trouble!”

One day David sent for Solomon and said to him, “I shall soon die. You must be a courageous man. You must also obey all of the laws that the Lord [has] commanded through the prophet Moses!

“The Lord has made to me this promise: if you and your descendants will obey my commandments, then they will rule over Israel!”

When David died, Solomon put him [David’s body/cadaver] in a tomb [buried him] in Jerusalem. David had been king forty years. When Solomon became king, he ruled over all Israel’s tribes.

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