تسجيلات هذا النص: David and the Giant

إظهار العناويين 1 إلى 13 من 13

Ayore [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Chuj [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life

Korean: Hamgyongdo [Korea, North] - Jesus Is Lord

Lhasa [China, Xizang (Tibet)] - Words of Life 2

Maguindanao [Philippines, Mindanao] - Words of Life

Mixteco de San Miguel el Grande [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlaxiaco] - Words of Life

Mixteco de San Pedro Molinos [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Quechua, Ayacucho [Peru, Ayacucho] - Words of Life 2

Spanish: Mexico [Mexico] - Words of Life for Children

Yagua [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Ocotlan [Mexico, Oaxaca, Ocotlan, Santiago Apostol] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Sierra de Juarez [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life 1

Zulu [South Africa, KwaZulu/Natal] - Words of Life for Children

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