تسجيلات هذا النص: Why is Man Different?

إظهار العناويين 1 إلى 13 من 13

Bhilali [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Teachings of Jesus - Yeasuni Baat

Bhili: Ranawat [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Outreach Program

Braj Bhasha: Antarbedi [India, Uttar Pradesh] - Words of Life - Outreach

Chenchu [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Jesus is Your Best Friend

Halbi: Bastari [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life - Outreach

Kanjari: Kuchbandhi [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life - A Loving God

Konkani, Goan: Bardeskari [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Kui (India) [India, Odisha] - Words of Life - God's Love

Kumauni: Pashchimi [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life

Magahi: Northern [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Marwari: Jaipuri [India, Rajasthan] - Outreach - Messages and Songs

Nimadi: Bhuani [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Outreach Messages and Songs

Santali [India, Bihar] - Words of Life 3

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