تسجيلات هذا النص: The Life of God's Children

إظهار العناويين 1 إلى 186 من 186

Afar [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 2

Agi [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Aguaruna [Peru, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Akawoia [Guyana] - Words of Life

Alangan [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Occidental Mindoro] - Words of Life 1

Ali: Yakamul [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Alu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Amanab [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life 1w/ TOK PISIN songs

Ambulas: Wosera-Kamu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Amol: Arang Mol [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Amto [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Anal [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Arabic, Sudanese Juba [South Sudan] - Words of Life 1

Arove [Papua New Guinea, West New Britain] - Words of Life

Aselo Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Au [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life 2 w/ TOK PISIN songs

Autu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Awingi [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Bada [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - Words of Life

Bahinemo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Baibai [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Baka [South Sudan] [South Sudan, West Equatorial State] - Words of Life 1

Ballanda [South Sudan] - Words of Life

Banda, Togbo-Vara [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Barai [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Bari [South Sudan, Central Equatorial State] - Words of Life 1

Batak Karo [Indonesia, Sumatera Utara (North)] - Words of Life

Bauni [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Bia Ge [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Bilba [Indonesia, Nusa Tenggara Timur (East), Rote] - Words of Life

Bisaya, Sabah [Malaysia, Sabah] - Words of Life

Blimo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Bombieta [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Bora [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Buang, Mapos: Wagau [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life 2

Buhid: Batangan [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Oriental Mindoro, Bongabong, Batangan] - Spiritual Growth

Busan [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Buwongo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Bwaidogen [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life 2

Cagayanon [Philippines, Mindanao, BARMM, Sulu] - Words of Life 2

Chakhesang: Khuzhale [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life w/ CHAKHESANG: Khuzhale

Chakhesang: Khuzhale [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life

Chambri [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Chin, Asho [Myanmar] - Words of Life 1

Chin, Hakha [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Dengese [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Occidental] - Words of Life

Dezi [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 2

Dholuo [Tanzania] - Words of Life 2

Dla [Indonesia, Papua] - Words of Life

Dobu [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life 2

Dumo Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Dyaul [Papua New Guinea, New Ireland] - Words of Life

Eshira [Gabon, Ngounie] - Words of Life

Fas [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Fulu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Gadsup Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Gahuku [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life 1

Gbanou [Central African Republic] - Words of Life

Giziga, North [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Guarani, Eastern Bolivian: Ava [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Guider [Cameroon, Nord] - Words of Life

Gumuz: Ganza [Sudan, ash-Shamaliyah] - Words of Life

Guraso [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Hanunoo [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region] - Spiritual Growth

Heiyoho [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Iatmul [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Iwongo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Occidental] - Words of Life

Jebero [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Jingpho [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Jumjum [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life

Kadiweu [Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul] - Words of Life 1

Kakataibo-Kashibo [Peru, Huanuco] - Words of Life

Kakwa [Uganda] - Words of Life 1

Kaliai-Kove [Papua New Guinea, West New Britain] - Words of Life

Kalou [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kambatta [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 2

Karamojong [Uganda] - Words of Life

Karawa [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ Tok Pisin songs

Karen, Pwo Western [Myanmar] - Words of Life 2

Kayah, Western [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Khehek [Papua New Guinea, Manus] - Words of Life

Khond [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Kidinga: Kimbentshi [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Kikumu: Lubutu [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Words of Life

Kilengola [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Kilmeri [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kilua-Kisonde [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Kim: Gerep [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - Words of Life

Kis [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Kiwenye Mituku [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Kizimba [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - Words of Life

Kombio [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Konda Dora [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Korafe: Northern [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

Krisa [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kuanua [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Kwanga [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 1

Kware: Lagume [Papua New Guinea, Central] - Words of Life

Kwomtari [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kwomtari [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Laka (Nigeria) [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life 1

Lamogai: Pulie-Rauto [Papua New Guinea, East New Britain] - Words of Life

Lomongo-Lonkundu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Ludama [Uganda] - Words of Life

Lunda: Ndembu [Zambia] - Words of Life 1

Mabaan [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life 1

Maisin [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

Maiwa [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life

Male [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Mamhoaf [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Manambu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Mangbetu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Manubara [Papua New Guinea, Central] - Words of Life

Masana: Wina [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - Words of Life w/ MASANA: Yagoua, etc

Mbanza: Kala [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Mbati [Central African Republic] - Words of Life

Mesme [Chad, Tandjilé] - Words of Life

Misima-Panaeati [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life

Mixteco de San Miguel del Progreso [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Jesus Christ, The Only Saviour

Mixteco de Yutanduchi [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Jesus Christ, The Only Saviour

Monjombo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life w/ LINGALA songs

Moundang [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - Words of Life

Mountain Arapesh [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Muhiang Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 2

Muna [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - Words of Life

Mundu [South Sudan, West Equatorial State] - Words of Life 1

Musgum [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Namia [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Nase Yuwe [Colombia, Cauca] - Words of Life

Ngaju [Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah (Central)] - Words of Life

Niksek [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 2

Ningil [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Notu [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life w/ EWAGE

Nuer: Eastern [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life

Nuku [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Oksapmin [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Ömie [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

One [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Oneida [Canada, Ontario] - Words of Life

Oromo: Arusi [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 1

Pamona [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - Words of Life

Pashtu: Kabuli [Afghanistan] - Words of Life

Piaroa [Venezuela, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Pira-Tapuya [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Quara [Israel] - Words of Life 2

Quechua, Bolivia [Bolivia] - Words of Life 1

Saban [Malaysia, Sarawak] - Words of Life

Saluan [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - Words of Life

Seleput [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, West Sepik, Seleput] - Words of Life

Shuar [Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Macuma] - Words of Life

Siane Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Sinaugoro [Papua New Guinea, Central] - Words of Life

Sirra [Papua New Guinea, Manus] - Words of Life

Sissano Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Sita [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Soimuol [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Sulamisi [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life

Tadyawan [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region] - Words of Life

Tai Nüa: Ya [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life

Teheit Group [Indonesia, Papua Barat] - Words of Life

Terena [Brazil, Mato Grosso] - Words of Life

Ticuna (Brazil) [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life 1

Tifal [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Tobelo [Indonesia, Maluku] - Words of Life

Tountemboan [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - Words of Life

Tumleo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Urat Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 1

Urim [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Vanatinae [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life

Wai-Wai [Brazil, Pará] - Words of Life

Wedau [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life 2

Wik-Muminh [Australia] - Messages w/ WIK-ALKAN & WIK-UWAN

Wogamusin [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Wom Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Yapunda [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Yaruro [Venezuela, Apure] - Words of Life

Yele: Jinjo [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life

Yemeraba [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ Tok Pisin songs

Yigel [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Yil [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Yis: You [Papua New Guinea, Northern, Emo River] - Words of Life

Zande [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 4

دری [Afghanistan] - Words of Life 1

زبان کشمیری [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Words of Life

زبان هاوایی [United States of America, Hawaii] - Words of Life

شیبمبا، آنگولا [Zambia] - Words of Life

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