Kate in South Asia

GRN's pictures are designed for easy colouring and to help explain the story
GRN's pictures are designed for easy colouring and to help explain the story

هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية.

Colouring in was new for these people and is very popular

Kate is a CMS missionary in South Asia. She recently wrote to GRN about her experience with using GRN's resources.

"18 months ago we started an elderly people's fellowship at church. Four days a week 15-20 people over 70 years old meet at the church. Most of them are illiterate, and none of them went to Sunday school as children nor grew up in Christian homes. This group has provided an amazing opportunity to help participants grow deeper into God's word, in a way that is accessible to them. It's amazing how much they have grown!

We recently did a series on Joseph. We used the GRN coloured pictures to show the story on the wall. The group loved colouring in, because it's totally new for them. So each week we also gave them a black and white picture of the story and they coloured their own. These were then stuck into an exercise book and they used them to retell the story to each other.

We also used the Joseph excerpt from the 'Mighty Men of God' audio-visual presentation. They enjoyed the 10 minute overview of the Joseph story. They loved this way of learning from the Bible, and have asked that we do the same again but with other series.

We are planning to show Exodus next."

If you would like to purchase a GRN Bible Picture pack or would like more information about it, please contact us by بريدك الإلكترونى, or phone 02-9899-2211.

معلومات ذات صلة

أخبار عالمية - أخر أخبار خدمة و موارد "الشبكة العالمية للتسجيلات" حول العالم.

News - What's happening in Australia and the globe.

GRN Bible Picture Pack - The Bible Picture Pack contains all the pictures from the "Good News", "Look, Listen & Live" and "The Living Christ" picture series, plus more, in both Colour and Black & White.