هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية.
What do you need to be able to share God's message with someone?
There are many methods that God uses to share His Good News with people. But He primarily uses His people to communicate it. The gospel is often best communicated by someone who is in a relationship with the hearer and shares a common culture and heart language.
When a Christian seeks to communicate the gospel they should consider what is the most effective means of communication for the person they are seeking to reach. Global Recordings Network seeks to provide resources for evangelists to use with oral communicators.
Through the use of mobile phones evangelists can have access to gospel messages in thousands of languages. Evangelists can pass on this material to mobile phones and MP3 players used by those who need to hear God's message in their own language.
The mobile device is a personal medium where people can listen to the gospel in private over and over again. Hearers can pass on gospel content to countless others.
GRN is seeking to build a website designed for use on mobile phones for people to easily access multilingual Christian evangelistic resources. This will include GRN's digitised recordings and links to other gospel material such as The Jesus Film, and audio and written translations of the Bible. Mobile devices are an increasingly important tool for evangelism in the modern world, GRN is seeking to take advantage of the opportunities this technology presents to reach people everywhere in their heart language.
GRN's priorities are people from language groups of any size where there is no existing Christian witness or Christian materials in their own language. It is people from these groups who are in most need of the gospel in their own language.